This teaching was given at TTC Hamburg and on Zoom. From the introduction text of this event by TTC Hamburg:
“Buddha nature is the answer to the question: How can an ordinary person become a Buddha? Buddha-nature indicates those aspects of ordinary people who are in some ways already identical to a Buddha. While this is a basic tenet of Mahayana Buddhism, which includes the Buddhist schools that developed in China, Japan, and Korea, as well as Tibet, interpretations vary widely.
Some schools teach that Buddha nature is a seed or possibility that needs to be developed. In others, Buddha-nature is understood as fully present but obscured by our delusions. In either case, Buddha-nature can be realized and experienced through practice.”
In the first session Rinpoche talked about the topic in general. The second session was about questions and answers. In the third session Rinpoche commented on the beginning of the chapter on Buddha Nature in Gampopa’s book Jewel Ornament of Liberation.
Audio only. With German translation.
There is also a book made of some of Rinpoche’s other teachings on Gampopa’s book:
For more information, visit: