
Bodhicharya is a non-profit Educational & Cultural Association founded by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche in 1997. Activities include collecting, transcribing, translating, and publishing Buddhist teachings and educational materials, and supporting educational and healthcare projects around the world.

Rinpoche’s Teaching Schedule

(Next 3 teaching events)

  • July 26, 2024 - July 28, 2024  
    Austria -Gutenstein
    Location: Maitreya Institute, Blättertal 9, 2770 Gutenstein, Austria


“I think it is very, very important to do something that we know is useful and beneficial to others. Because if I am living a life and knowing that I am doing nothing, which is of any use to anybody, I think I would feel that my life is purposeless. So therefore, we try to find ways and means of working together so that we can help people here or somewhere else in the world.  Not only is it good for others that we try and help them, but I think it is extremely important for ourselves.”

Ringu Tulku.

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