Teaching on the prayer “Calling the Lama (Guru) from afar” written by Jamgon Kongtrul the Great (1813 – 1899)
The original audio tapes were digitalized, the quality is ok, only there are often 1 – 3 minutes silence in the beginning. At the bginning of each new teaching, parts 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 , are a few minutes of prayers. Part 3 also has a short Refuge ceremonie up to min 15.
As an inspiration, here the translation of the last lines of the prayer:
“Bless me that the path may be free of obstacles. Bless me that I may be diligent in practice.
Bless me that I may take negative circumstances onto the path. Bless me that I may be steadfast in applying the remedies.
Bless me that uncontrived devotion arises in me. Bless me that I see the natural state face to face
Bless me that natural awareness is awakened in my heart. Bless me that deluded appearances are severed at the root.
Bless me to accomplish buddhahood in a single lifetime. Precious guru, I supplicate you.
Kind lord of dharma, I call to you longingly. Unfortunate though I am, I have no other hope but you.
Bless me that my mind mixes inseparably with yours.”