Commentary on the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta.
Majjhima Nikaya #10 (Middle length Discourses) found in the Sutta Pitaka.
Part 1
How this Sutra appears in Tibetan Kangyur.
2 types of Meditation and the different traditional approaches to them.
4 mindfulness as the first part of the 37 factors of enlightenment.
Mindfulness of Body
Mindfulness of Feelings
Mindfulness of Mind
Mindfulness of Mental objects
Meditation on Mindfulness of Body
Three solitudes and creating inspiring environment for meditation.
Q and A
0:58 How do you know when you have enough Samatha meditation to begin Vipassana?
1.00 Are they different practices?
1:04 Is “distaste” renunciation or abandoning things that are distasteful?
Part 2
Mindfulness of Body
Defining distraction and awareness
Story of Drukpa Kunley
Calming the activities of the Body through awareness and observation.
How thoughts, feelings and perceptions self liberate.
Viewing Body as compounded phenomena and making the most of it.
Q and A
0:50 Best approach after loosing awareness in meditation?
0:51 Do you meditate on 1 foundation or all 4 simultaneously?
0:56 Problem between being aware and just thinking about aspect of body?
1:00 Where did this sutra come from?
1:01 Are you looking at body from body or outside of it?
1:06 How to practice when ill and in pain?
Part 3
Mindfulness of Body
Advice regarding meditation on stages of decay and aspects of body for those with low self-esteem.
Mindfulness of Feelings
Bringing awareness to feelings in the same way as with the body.
Clarifying the difference between awareness and clinging.
Responding lightly to your feelings and letting them go.
Grasping manifesting as both Aversion and Attachment.
The importance of motivation and how these teachings relate to View, Meditation and Action.
Q and A
1:00 Is there a difference between Meditation and Mindfulness?
1:03 How to be mindful in death and let go of life lightly.
1:09 How to cope with fear and panic when contemplating impermanence?
1:16 Is this sutra talking about feelings as sense perception or emotion?
Part 4
Mindfulness of Mind
Analytical meditation regarding aspects of mind.
How to combine and alternate between types of meditation.
How to rest in awareness without clinging or grasping.
Q and A
0:38 What is taking refuge? What commitments does it require?
1:04 How does one practice compassion on an everyday level?
1:10 Does wishing and visualising others well work or is it for our own benefit?
1:14 What is the distinction between reflecting internally and externally?
1:16 What is the meaning of dissolution in this sutra?
Part 5
Mindfulness of Mental objects
Observing and being skilful with hinderances.
Observing arising of five aggregates.
Impermanence, Interdependence and Emptiness.
Clarifying the seven factors of awakening.
Q and A
1:03 What of Consciousness that knows but doesn’t observe?
1:10 Is it dependant on anything?
1:15 Is Buddha nature by its nature not interdependent?
Part 6
Mindfulness of Mental objects
Clarifying the seven factors of awakening.
Four Nobel Truths
Four stages of realisation
Q and A
0:23 Difference between Hindu and Buddhist view of Emptiness?
0:27 Is there a burning off process of suffering? Can you dedicate suffering?