Rinpoche is teaching on the Four Mindfulnesses (Satipatthana Sutta). This teaching was requested and organised on Zoom by Kagyu Samye Dzong Brussels.
The translation of Satipatthana Sutta referred to in this teaching is Discourse on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness (transl. by Thich Nhat Hanh).
A Summary
by Maggy Jones
Part 1
Rinpoche uses the short version from Madhyamika-nikaya translated into English by Thich Nhat Hanh*. Rinpoche has not formally received this particular teaching and will be presenting his own understanding gained from other texts. The Tibetan for “Mindfulness” is tenpa or “becoming aware of what is going on”, “remembering”. The 4 Mindfulnesses are the first step towards enlightenment. 1st is Mindfulness of Body; 2nd Mindfulness of Feelings; 3rd Mindfulness of Mind; 4th Mindfulness of All Phenomena. Rinpoche gives crucial detailed instructions on mindfulness of body meditation, keeping focus on all activities of the body. Shamatha will lead to Vipassana,
* Transformation and Healing: Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness ISBN-13 978-1888375626.
Part 2
In all three Mindfulness meditations it’s particularly important just to observe and not react. 2nd Mindfulness – Feelings. Observe whether the feelings belong to the body or the mind. Copy the details of the Mindfulness of the Body instructions. Observe how feelings arise, and how they disappear. If you observe the emotion, you are distanced from it, and it cannot control you.
3rd Mindfulness of Mind or “mental formations”. “Mind” is largely ignored by modern education and is not understood. You can’t say it’s there; you can’t say it’s not there. We feel, know, and experience everything through our minds. Mind controls all our thoughts and all our actions. “Analytical meditation” is about mindfulness – observing the mind.
Part 3
4th Mindfulness of Objects of Mind (All Phenomena). Observe the five hindrances – their arising and fading and antidotes: – 1. Sensual desires. 2. Anger, ill-will. 3. Apathy, laziness. 4. Anxiety, stress. 5. Doubt, lack of trust. All these hindrances can be overcome with mindfulness. Observe the 5 aggregates (skandhas) – form, feeling, perception, mental formations, consciousness; understanding these is the understanding of all phenomena. Observe the six sense organs and their objects; all appearances through sense objects are an illusion. Awareness of 7 Factors of awakening. Awareness of 4 Noble Truths. If you keep your awareness you will be free. Application of these 4 mindfulnesses may lead to enlightenment.