Make sure that any files that you upload only contain text, numbers or basic symbols like “-” or “_”. They system doesn’t like things like “&” or “%” etc…
Make sure that you complete the teaching name, date and location before uploading your media files. Once you have uploaded files, these fields must remain the same or the system will create a new folder and unlink your previously added media files.
You can now string a series of teaching posts together by using the new (2022) teaching post TAG function found at the bottom of the right hand sidebar in the post edit area. Here is an example of it in use at the bottom of this teaching. You simply need to create a custom tag for the teaching series you are working on (preferably without any spaces) and then assign it to all the teaching posts in that series or collection. After you have created the tag, use the ‘Choose from the most used tags’ to select it in all the other posts. All teachings with that tag will then automatically appear at the bottom of any teaching post that has been assigned the same tag.