It is possible to insert audio or video playlists into a post or page by using a shortcode which specifies the folder where your files are kept in the S3 bucket. (note: you need to remove the space after/before the opening/closing brackets [ ] to make it work. We have included a space here to stop the playlist from actually loading!)
[ s3_playlist key=”bodhicharyavatara/audio/Chapter2_audio/English-Teachings” bucket=”online-shedra” download=”no” ]
A full example of this would be:
[ s3_playlist key=”bodhicharyavatara/audio/Chapter2_audio/English-Teachings” bucket=”online-shedra” download=”no” ]
Simply remove download=”no” to make the files downloadable as this is the default setting.
You will need to ask Minna or Paul to help you upload and organise your files on the S3 server.