Rinpoche was asked to kindly give some instructions on how to do our daily deity practice, for instance, Tara. Rinpoche talks about the true dharma practice, which is about transforming our negative emotions, and how this can be worked on through our practice in three different ways.
This teaching was given at TTC Hamburg and also streamed on Zoom.
With German translation.
by Maggy Jones
How can we integrate our practice into our daily life taking Tara as an example? Gampopa said we can make our practice transformation or work. If we can make it transformation we can achieve so much. To do this we first have to understand what true dharma practice is; Buddha said the main causes of suffering are our negative emotions; our practice should reduce these. Do not do these practices because you have been told to, you must do them because you believe they will work. Our enemies are our kleshas * Rinpoche details the destruction and harm that can come from these. The anti-dote, the cure, is compassion which brings nothing but good; wisdom clears our ignorance.
When we feel compassion – we feel good; it is good for all but we must break our bad habits. We must learn not to retaliate, using mindfulness, awareness of what is going on. Learn to control your own mind and to let go. In practice we need to feel the presence of a being with immense, limitless compassion for all beings. ** Tara is one of these. Focus on these aspects and slowly you too will become like that. Q & A
* Kleshas. Anger. Greed. Pride. Desire/Aversion (one). Wisdom
** https://bodhicharya.org/teachings/archives/four-limitless-contemplations
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