For several years, Rinpoche has been teaching from Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation at Palpung Slovenia. Past couple of years the teachings were on the chapters on the Six Paramitas. This year’s topics are the 5th Paramita, Meditation, and the 6th Paramita, Wisdom. Lots of space is also given for questions and answers.
Before passing away, Lord Gampopa said that in the future, if there are people who feel sad because they could not meet him, they should not feel sad, because reading this book is like meeting him in person.
S u m m a r y
Part 1 (video 1)
Chapter 16: Paramita of Meditation. This is explained in 7 points: 1. Faults and virtues of meditation. 2. Definition of meditation.
Part 2 (video 1)
2. Definition (continued). A meditation on the interdependence of “me”. 21 breath meditation.
Q&A: – How do we relax when negative thoughts come up? – Won’t we suffer even more, when we are doing Tonglen?
Part 3 (video 2)
3. Classification of meditation. 4. Characteristics of each classification. 5. How to increase meditation. 6. Perfection of meditation. 7. Result of meditation.
Part 4 (video 2)
Q&A: – How to deal with negative thoughts that won’t go away? – Purifying negative karma – Is it possible to stop the environmental problem? – Dissolution of consciousness in the process of dying? – How to teach children to be less selfish?
Part 5 (video 3)
Chapter 17: Paramita of Wisdom. 1. Faults and virtues. 2. Definition. 3. Classification. 4. Characteristics of each classification. 5. What is to be known.
Part 6 (video 3)
Q&A: – How is it possible to help others, when I cannot change their karma?
Rinpoche is telling the Jataka story about the Dead Mouse, starting at around 00:07:00.
– How to go beyond the Maras’ obstacles?
Part 7 (video 4)
5. What is to be known (continued). 6. What is to be practised. 7. Result.
Part 8 (video 4)
Q&A: – Difference between wisdom and intellectual understanding? – How come do appearances appear at all? – How do bodhisattvas help samsaric beings? – It is said we have Buddha nature, but why is it so much easier to do bad than good? – How to nurture the plant of our good aspiration and motivation in practice so that it won’t get dry? – Interdependence-karma-compassion? – Stuck in the state of jealous god? – Buddha Dharma in the West?
Photo thanks to Palpung Marpa Study Group Facebook page and Cene Resnik.
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