During this five day retreat, given on Holy Isle off the West Coast of Scotland during a period of stunning summer weather in 2013, Rinpoche provides commentary on Karma Chakme’s “‘Life Blood’ Teaching on the Noble One of Great Compassion, A Quintessential Practice Unifying Mahamudra and Mahasandhi”.
This Terma teaching both: details a practice of Chenrezig; and describes all of the essential practices and instructions of Mahamudra and Dzogchen presented as eight short songs.
Rinpoche uses a pamphlet translation made by Ken Holmes, published at Kagyu Samye Ling.
An online translation of the Karma Chakme source text is available via:
Photography taken during the retreat by: Conrad Harvey (Hi-Res images) and Sarah Yeshe (students listening to teachings within The Centre For World Peace And Reconciliation).