The teaching on the King of Aspiration Prayers, or the Noble Aspiration for Excellent Conduct, was given before and during the German Kagyu Monlam in Kamalashila Institute.
7 sessions. Two versions in audio: English only (parts 1-7) and with German translation (8-14).
Photos thanks to Kamalashila Institut Facebook page and Francois Henrard.
Part 1
Introduction to the prayer.
Seven branch practice in order to accumulate positive karma:
1. Prostrations
2. Offerings
3. Purification.
Q&A: Is there a trick how to see the world as more positive?
Part 2
Seven branch practice:
4. Rejoicing
5. Requesting teachings
6. Requesting the enlightened beings to live long and remain with us
7. Dedication
Three noble principles of Mahayana.
Seven branch practice is the antidote to all our negative emotions.
It is done to build the right foundation for our prayers, so they will have a very positive outcome.
Story of the building of Boudhanath Stupa.
Negative dedication, unconsciously?
Small deeds with big dedication, for a big purpose?
How does this differ from the Christian way?
Subtle pride?
Can I make the dedication in my own words?
Part 3
The actual prayer is explained in two parts:
1. Actual aspirations (16 sections) 2. Conclusion
1.1. Making aspirations with a pure heart (4 subsections)
1.1.1. To make offerings to the Buddhas.
1.1.2. To fulfill the wishes of the future Buddhas.
1.1.3. To purify the Buddha field.
1.1.4. For all beings’ good health, happiness, and complete success of all their dharma activities.
1.2. Making aspirations concerning myself (7 subsections)
1.2.1. To perform bodhisattva’s activities and remember my past lives.
1.2.2. To be a renunciate in all my lives.
1.2.3. To follow the teachings of the Buddhas and have good conduct.
1.2.4. To speak all different languages in order to teach all beings.
1.2.5. To be gentle and to diligently practice the 6 paramitas.
1.2.6. To never forget bodhichitta.
1.2.7. For all obstacles and obscurations to these actions be cleared.
1.3. Making aspiration to always be free from klesha, karma and maras.
Isn’t it good to stop and think before saying aloud everything that is on our mind?
What kind of beings are kumbhandas?
Part 4
1.4. Wanting to bring benefit and happiness to all beings.
1.5. Putting on the armour: without losing bodhichitta, act according to the beings I am helping, and show them the way.
1.6. May I always have good bodhisattva friends.
1.7. May I always have good teachers and be a good student.
1.8. May I be there when the Buddhas come, and able to see them.
1.9. May I be able to hold the dharma.
1.10. May I be able to hold the treasury of compassion and wisdom.
1.11. May I be able to enter into the Buddha’s activities. (8 subsections)
1.11.1. May I be able to enter all countless realms at once and perform activities of bodhisattva.
1.11.2. May I be able to enter the speech of the Buddha.
1.11.3. May I be able to enter into the turning the wheel of the dharma.
1.11.4. May I be able to enter all kalpas of the three times at once.
1.11.5. May I be able to see all the Buddhas of three times in one instant.
1.11.6. May I enter into the Buddhas’ illusion-like activities.
1.11.7. Creating the Buddha fields.
1.11.8. May I go into the presence of all the Buddhas at once.
Part 5
Welcome to the 9th Kagyu Monlam Germany in Kamalashila.
Brief summary of the commentary so far.
1.12. Praying for power.
1.12.1. Power of miracles: to make offerings to all Buddhas everywhere at once, and give teachings to all the sentient beings at once, and appear everywhere at once.
1.12.2. Power of yanas: to open all the different doors to awakening for all the different people.
1.12.3. Power of conduct: to bring out all qualities in order to help all kinds of beings.
1.12.4. Power of all-pervasive love.
1.12.5. Power of merit or positive action.
1.12.6. Power of pristine wisdom, free of attachment.
1.12.7.-9. Power of [wisdom, means and] meditation. The more you have the power of meditation, the more there is power of wisdom to see the minds of beings and the more there is power of skills to help them in ways that are needed.
1.12.10. Power of enlightenment: once you have all the 9 powers, you will become enlightened.
1.13. Praying for accomplishing the antidotes: to purify karma, klesha and maras.
1.14. Praying for the Buddha activities.
Part 6
1.15. Praying to follow the footsteps
1.15.1. …of the Buddhas: to accomplish all their activities and all their aspirations.
1.15.2. …of the Bodhisattvas, esp. Samantabhadra and Manjushri.
1.16. Conclusion of the aspirations: may my activities and qualities be limitless and may I perform all miraculous activities of great beings.
2. Conclusion
2.1. The benefits of these aspirations: by having the bodhisattva’s aspiration, all your lives will become increasingly positive and beneficial, and eventually you will become like the great bodhisattva Samantabhadra.
Part 7
2.1. The benefits of these aspirations: 13 specific benefits. Conclusion of the benefits.
2.2. Dedication.
Commentaries that are made on of this prayer.
Rinpoche is using the English translation in the Kagyu Monlam Book. Another translation, by Elizabeth Callahan, is available here.