Without the German translation.
This teaching is very good and interesting, so it is published here although it has some problems due to the recording and digitalizing of the original audio tapes:
Part 1 up to min 46 is the first part of the teachings on Mahamudra and Dzogchen. Then comes the question part of the Green Tara teachings.
Part 2 up to min 43 is the second part of the teachings on Mahamudra and Dzogchen in good quality, from then onwards the volume is so low that it is very difficult to understand.
Some of the content:
Part 1: Mahamudra ist the deepest and highest and most direct teaching of the Anuttarayoga-Tantra. There are two levels of teachings, Sutrayana and Tantrayana (Vajrayana). In the Sutrayana are the teachings on 4 Noble Truths, interdependence, Shunyata, Buddha nature. The cause is used as the path. Tantrayana was not passed on in public, but only to selected disciples, it went from person to person, using the result as the path. The basis is the same – 4 Noble Truths, compassion, enlightened mind etc. , the methods used are different, the skillful means. Vajrayana is said to be more swift.
The technique is not important, important is that you work on yourself.
There is no difference at all between Mahamudra and Dzogchen in the result, there are only slight differences in the techniques used.
Part 2: In Mahamudra we use our intellectual present moment mind, it is more gradual, starting with Shiné meditation, making ourselves more calm and clear.
Dzogchen works slightly different, they recommend going directly to Rigpa, the non-conceptual mind. You cannot get there through thinking.
The description of the actual experience expressed by the Mahamudra and Dzogchen masters is exactely the same, no difference whatsoever.
The only difference is the approach, when we train ourselves.
Both begin with Ngöndro, the preliminaries.