A High Definition video teaching on How To Lead a Meaningful Life.
In this 2011 talk given in South Africa, Rinpoche discusses:
- Leo Tolstoy’s story Three Questions (The King and The Hermit): Who is the most important person for me? What is the most important time for me? What is the most important thing for me to do?
- 0:12.00 interdependence, and discusses guidance that he gives to young people when they are deciding on what to do in life;
- 0.16:00 job satisfaction and dissatisfaction;
- 0:18:00 the best way to look after yourself;
- 0:20:30 eliminating procrastination;
- 0:22:20 the risks of delaying Dharma practice;
- 0:24:00 positive pride in useful activity;
- 0:25:45 writing books for children;
- 0:27:10 a story about Three Ageing Monks in a failing monastery;
- 0:33:13 interdependence, interconnectedness and the risks of self-centredness, tribalism and isolationist nationalism.
- 0:36:30 living a happy life without regret;
- 0:40:00 becoming a friend, to then have friends;
- 0:41:00 avoiding the expectations of “transactional relationships”;
- 0:44:44 why the Tibetans have no equivalent word for a “stranger”;
- 0:47:00 how not to be nervous before public speaking;
- 0:48:50 travelling with his uncle and an endless diet of rice soup!;
Questions and Answers:
Q: Is rice soup like dying and rebirth? 0:51:55
Q: Why should we be born as humans if we are enlightened in the first place? 0:57:10
Q: What is the most skilful way of dealing with people with addiction and mental health problems within a community? 01:05:50
At 01:12:00 Rinpoche discusses modern dyfunctional family dynamics
Q: What happens to our memories and experiences after we die? 01:15:15
Q: Can you discuss Christianity, the Resurrection, and the Buddhist view of Christianity? 01:19:00
Q: Is it possible that Jesus Christ was at a higher spiritual level than Buddha? 01:24:00
Q: When a person dies, is there a particular period of time before the body should be cremated? 01:24:55
For more information, visit: http://www.online-literature.com/tolstoy/2736/