A public talk at Lerab Ling on the topic Meeting Challenges: Unshaken by Life’s Ups and Downs.
With French translation.
by Maggy Jones
We all want to solve our problems and live happily ever after. Look at life and remind yourself that nothing stays the same, everything changes.. Jakata tale (story of Buddha’s previous lives) showing that good times and bad will all pass. Rinpoche describes his own early life as a refugee to show this. Live today as best as we can with joy and good purpose, and do our best. Worry helps nothing and nobody; good things also happen. Deal with things as they arise both good and bad. Watch your reactions and don’t expect too much. Rinpoche tells stories of how to adapt, no expectations, different cultures are habits. Most of our problems come from within us. If we could live with kindness and compassion there would be no more war. Kindness and compassion are not signs of weakness. Q & A
A book by Rinpoche with this same title:
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