This is the third batch of the Pey Cho Rinchen Pungpa teachings, which Rinpoche gave in Samye Ling over several weeks in 1992. They include the recordings 15 to 20, which cover the chapters 26 – 36.
Potowa gave these teachings with countless sayings, stories, parables, metaphors, which make them particularly lively and memorable.
The quality of the recordings is ok, except for some gaps of a few minutes here and there, also the many questions are often inaudible.
Part 15:
We should not be ungrateful
Story: The most beautiful child
Developing loving kindness
Q: If we help others, how do we not become their slave?
What hinders the development of loving kindness
Part 16:
Aspiration Bodhicitta and Application Bodhicitta
Three kinds of Bodhisattvas: King-like, Captain-like, Shepherd like
Generating Bodhicitta with the three powers
The vow of Bodhicitta
Part 17:
Accumulating merit and wisdom
The power to understand other people
Not giving up on any one person
Importance of regret
First of the six Paramitas: Giving
Part 18:
Continued first Paramita: Giving
Giving Dharma and guidance with good motivation
Giving Protection
Second Paramita: Moral Conduct
Braking precepts out of unselfishness
Part 19:
Q: What about eating meat
Continued second Paramita: Moral Conduct
Before you help, examine the situation
Third Paramita: Patience, Forbearance
Part 20:
Continued: Third Paramita of Patience
The shortcomings of not being patient
Fourth Paramita: Diligence
Being joyful in doing positive things