Rinpoche introduces the essential points of the Buddhist path.
Session 1
The Path begins with the Four Noble Truths. The first of the trainings is wisdom: being able to discern, understand… Wisdom also includes the training in listening, without our impositions or interpretations.
Session 2
Wisdom is developed though listening, contemplating and meditating and integrating. Having developed some wisdom, we can proceed to ask ourselves: what is the purpose of life? By thinking properly, we realize that we want a life free of suffering and its causes and a lasting happiness, not only for ourselves but for everyone. So this is our purpose. The way to end suffering is by changing our way of seeing, going about an inner transformation.
We need to work with our mind, our emotions and our actions. Suffering comes from kleshas and karma. In the natural state of the mind, there’s no problem. It is only because of negative tendencies that we have problems and sufferings
Session 3
We don’t need to keep the negative reaction all the time, we can let go and let things be and allow ourselves to be more joyful, clearer, wiser, more compassionate and loving. This is practice, a way of seeing things which is part of the wisdom. Training our minds to become more flexible is meditation. The point is to know the nature of mind
Session 4
Working with compassion, the opposite of negative emotions. Wanting to put an end to the suffering of others. Ideally, we make this wish as universal and broad as possible.