Rinpoche gave these two sessions of teachings on the topic The Essence of Guru Yoga – A Direct Way of Connecting with Our Potential, requested and facilitated on Zoom by Dharma Mati (Rigpa Germany in Berlin).
In Part 1, Rinpoche first talks about the Guru as the teacher, and how we as students should relate to the teacher, especially in the Vajrayana. Then he goes to the actual topic of Guru Yoga as the practice to connect with our true nature, which is then explained further and in more depth in Part 2.
by Maggy Jones
Part 1
Buddha gave teachings for different sorts of people, and different levels. Not all teachings are appropriate for everyone. The right teacher should know the subject and the students’ capabilities, especially in Vajrayana. Students and teachers must always examine each other to see they are compatible. 2 things always arise in teachings – you will become like your teacher (scholar, Buddha etc.) But first you must learn what a Buddha is with some understanding of Dharma. Your view will always influence your attitude.
Guru yoga is the practice of creating the perfect Buddha so we can transform. 3 things transform you – 1. Accumulation 2. Purification 3. The blessing of the Guru. Guru Yoga practice gives you these. The Guru is not only the person you see but the essence of all gurus including Padmasambhava and Vajradhara. Devotion happens when you apply a teaching and find that it works! Q & A
Part 2
You must find a genuine teacher, even if they are not enlightened they must be a true dharma practitioner. Guru Yoga practice enables you to find pure vision. Positive or negative depends on how you see yourself. We create our own heaven and hell. We have 4 gurus: 1st The lineage guru; the root Guru who introduces us to Buddha nature. 2nd Teachings from the scriptures. 3rd Everything we perceive can be a teaching. 4th The way everything is, how you are, your true nature.
1st Create your mandala with a perfect guru (not living) on the top of your head
2nd Make accumulations with the 7 Branch practice
3rd Receiving the empowerment – the seed, the path and the permission to practice.
All this is part of working on yourself. Finally you dissolve the mandala into yourself and become one with the guru. Q & A