“The Karmapa was saying, I thought it was very interesting, that compassion for yourself is renunciation and compassion for others is what we call compassion. Compassion for yourself is renunciation, because you see that just being trapped in the samsaric worldly concerns only, with aversion, attachment and all this, is not really bringing me anywere else. It’s not really bringing any lasting, true benefit to myself. If I really need to find a lasting peace and happiness, I need to work on myself and transform myself. If I see very clearly that the ocean of samsara, the samsaric state of mind, is something I need to transcend and transform, if I really see it like that, that’s renunciation. It doesn’t matter where you stay. It doesn’t matter what kind of dress you wear. It doesn’t matter what kind of life you lead. It’s that determination to transform yourself. That’s renunciation.”
Extracted from Precious Garland of the Supreme Path | 2019 | Samye Ling, UK