Category: Features

  • CARROT HALUWA गाजर्को हालुवा

        This is a very common kind of sweet dish popular in Nepal. Ingredients 2 cups of milk 1 cup of carrots grated 1 cup of sugar 2 tablespoons of ghiu  (clarified butter) 5 cardamoms shelled 6 six almonds sliced 2 tablespoons of raisins Process Boil the milk and the carrot using a medium…


     Ani Wangmo at the Summer Camp at Casa da Torre in Portugal Ani Wangmo’s story is similar to Tanya’s  (see Conversation with Tatjana Popovic), except that Tanya had decided that after the three-year retreat she preferred not to return to monastic life, for the time-being at least.  Ani Wangmo, on the other hand, took the robes and…


      We are sitting in the quiet quadrangle of Casa da Torre.  There is the  sound of birds in the distance.  In the centre of the square is a white statue of Saint Mary, mother of Jesus.  The Casa da Torre is situated four miles north of Braga in Portugal and is a Jesuit centre for Spirituality and…


      This article was previously published in Many Roads Roads for Bodhicharya.  Considering the recent events in India,  I thought this might be a good time to publish for a second time. (Ed)   I want to use this opportunity to write to you about some safety guides for women travelling in India. India is called Incredible…

  • MIXED VEGETABLE PULAO – तर्लरिको पुलओ

        This type of mixed vegetable pulao is occasionally prepared, especially for feasts and for picnics.  It is a very rich dish. Ingredients One and a half cups of rice 3 tablespoons ghiu (clarified butter) 1 cup cauliflower of pieces half a cup of peas 1 carrot thinly sliced 1 onion finely chopped 1 teaspoon…

  • NEPALESE CURRY झोल तरकारी

      This type of vegetable recipe is a typical dish in Nepal.  Any vegetable can be added or substituted in the list of ingredients. Ingredients 2 cups of potatoes or other vegetables cubed 1/2 cauliflower split into florets 2 onions chopped 3 tomatoes quartered 1 cup of peas 1 bay leaf 1/4 teaspoon black pepper…


      Wild Garlic Salad Dressing Posted on April 25, 2014 by Monica Wilde This is a lovely dressing that goes well with a mixed leaf salad such as dandelion leaves, chickweed, sorrel and wild garlic leaf. 1 tablespoon finely chopped wild garlic stalks, buds and flowers. 1/4 cup (60ml) extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice…