Journey from Head to Heart: Along a Buddhist Path


The Heart Wisdom series aims to make the teachings of Ringu Tulku Rinpoche available to a wider audience, by bringing his oral teachings to the written page. This volume presents 37 short teachings, designed to be read individually and integrated with our practice and daily life. Together they take us on a journey through the vehicles of Buddhism, elucidating some common misunderstandings and basic principles of the Buddhist path, all the while encouraging us to move from our head (intellectual understanding) towards our heart (experiential understanding).

‘To get an experiential understanding you have to go deep into yourself and learn how to bring your awareness and mindfulness to the place from which you deeply experience. It is a matter of ‘heart’ rather than ‘head’. Sometimes it is said that the longest journey is from your head to your heart. Which is what we mean when we talk about developing the right view and understanding it experientially. This is an on going process.’

Journey from Head to Heart: Along a Buddhist Path




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Weight 0.300 kg




