Bodhicharyavatara Q&A

Please join us for this final live Bodhicharyavatara Q&A session with Rinpoche and ask your question live or send them in advance using the comments areas or forms on any of the Bodhicharyavatara teaching posts or below.

Written questions submitted will continue to be gathered until 7pm the evening before the event.

Registration is no longer required for these last sessions.

To access these live sessions, click the button below at the time of each session.

Join the Session Here

Rinpoche will start by answering a few of the written questions submitted via the website followed by questions asked live via Zoom.

You will be able to use the “Raise Hand” function in the Zoom App to be queued to ask Rinpoche a question face to face.

If there are no more live questions, Rinpoche will return to answering questions submitted via the website. If there are too many written questions to answer during the live session, Rinpoche may record an additional video session in which he will answer these remaining questions. This will be added to the Archive shortly afterwards.

Please note that there are usually around 300 people attending. Therefore raising your hand doesn’t guarantee that there will be time to get to your question. We appreciate your patience.

Please also note that both you (your video image) and your question will potentially be broadcast live to everyone watching and will also be recorded to be made available on the Archive as a recorded video after the session. If you are not comfortable with that you can simply submit your written question on any of the recent Bodhicharyavatara Course teaching posts either using the form or comments area.

The Zoom webinar is limited to 500 attendees, so please arrive on time to ensure that you can get a place.

We hope to have live simultaneous translations into French, German, Spanish and Portuguese available in Zoom.

If you would like to make an offering for translations, please click the links below:

If you would like to make a personal offering to Rinpoche, along with a message, please use the button below:

Make an offering



Your questions are most welcome. Archive members can log in and leave their questions for Rinpoche as a comment below, so that others can see them too. Please be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words. Questions longer than that may have to be edited. Questions will be collected from here in the evening day before each Live Q&A.

Non-members can either sign up to become a member to leave a comment below or simply use the form here to ask Rinpoche a short question. In any other issues and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.

  • Let us know where you are contacting us from (optional).

These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.


Oct 31 2021


14:30 - 15:30

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 31 2021
  • Time: 10:30 - 11:30

Zoom Webinar


Archive Team
Archive Team

7 thoughts on “Bodhicharyavatara Q&A

  1. Dear Rinpoche, Can you please consider the stories of the Bodhisattva ship captain in the Jatakas, and the story of the mass murderer Angulimala. What do these teach us about different approaches to reducing harm in the world?, Best wishes, John

  2. Dear Rinpoche, On recent talks HH Karmapa recently taught to practice only for future lives. I have many projects in this current life. How do we practice only for future lives?, Best wishes, John

  3. Dear Rinpoche, Can you please explain the difference between Chönyi (Dharmata), Chöku (Dharmakaya) and Chöying (Dharmadhatu)? Thank you, Karma Norbu 🙏

  4. Dear Rinpoche, I still don’t understand the concept of karma. For example, If a person get raped, it is because of karma, or because of the rapist? If it is karma, then the rapist is not responsible for his deeds and that is the victim who should do penance? If there is no good and bad, then why His Holiness the Dalai Lama says that bad is ‘harming others’ and good is ‘helping others’? Thank you

  5. Dear Rinpoche, thank you for your teaching from Berlin today. My question: how can we show respect and tolerance towards ideologies and religions that are clearly repressive and harmful? A recent historical example is the Nazis in the 20th century. Should we not actively resist such things, and how to do this in a peaceful manner?

  6. Dear Rinpoche
    Mindful that you are scheduled to give the final Live Q&A Zoom teaching on Shantideva’s Bodhicharyavatara on Sunday 31 October 2021, thank you so much for your commitment and dedication in now completing this entire text’s commentary.

    The Lazy Lama perhaps requires a rebrand as The Diligent Lama?😀

    Mindful that Patrul Rinpoche based much of his life repeatedly teaching this text, far and wide: would you recommend that your students similarly repeatedly reread and shape our lives guided by this one particular text?

    Is the clue in your organisation’s label: Bodhicharya?🔍

    Thank you so much again

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