The value of Sangha
*A Refuge Ceremony is now planned for the start of this session (only in the Berlin Shrine room) which means that the start of the Zoom transmission will be delayed.
We are very much looking forward to the visit of Ringu Tulku Rinpoche at Bodhicharya Berlin. He will arrive on 8 May and give teachings at the temple on 9, 11 and 16 May.
No registration required. Simply use the link below at the time of the event.
Meeting ID: 810 4399 2748
Passcode: 433742
The events are on donation, you can contribute into the Dana box at Bodhicharya or via bank transfer or paypal,
If you would like to make a personal offering to Rinpoche, along with a message, please use the button below:
Rinpoche will teach in English followed by German translation in the temple. Additional translations will be on zoom.
If you would like to make an offering for translations, please click the links below:
- Traduction Française – Karma Sherab Gyamtso
- Tradução para o português – Tsering Paldron
- Traducción Española – Samara Escudero
- Traduzione Italiana – Silvia Obber
Image: Anne Pargiter