Bodhicharya Berlin has pioneered a thriving and much needed Hospice Project. Set up four years ago through the collaborative efforts of Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Lisa Freund and the Ricam Hospice in Berlin, the project aims to maintain the quality of life of critically ill or dying people, especially through the use of appropriate care, competent treatment of pain, and compassionate concern.
“The Bodhichayra hospice has a Buddhist orientation. The work is founded on the understanding of death as transition. An especial value is therefore placed on attending to mental and emotional aspects until the very end. The development and unfolding of spiritual potential of both those seeking advice,as well as the caregiver is important to us in terms of awareness, compassionate presence, loving kindness, composure, and inner peace.
As a hospice service with a Buddhist orientation, one of the main focal points of our work is the spiritual accompaniment of people with an expressed desire for such support at the end of their life. Learning meditation and mind training techniques, the foundation of our schooling for volunteer caregivers, provides a valuable means of taking care of one self, an aid in relaxation, and the emotional strengthening of the patients.”
“We would like to act as pillars of support, when confusion and desperation emerge, or when questions arise that seem only to have unsatisfactory answers.”
This is a wonderful project!
What wonderful bodhicitta you have!