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Happy New Year 2012

The year Two Thousand and Twelve has arrived. Some say this is the end of the world. Others predict it will be the beginning of a new awareness. We have just lived through a challenging and eventful year And it certainly will be another year with lots happening. But what is the use worrying about […]

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Dohas of Dusum Khyenpa: Teachings from Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s spring tour 2011

On the occasion of the 900 anniversary celebration year of the First Karmapa Düsum Khyenpa (1110-1193) Rinpoche taught from the two remaining volumes of teachings by Düsum Khyenpa. Among those is a collection of dohas. Doha is a song of realization, a poem of experience of the ultimate: the Mahamudra, the Dzogchen; the emptiness. In

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