Dear Friends,
Rinpoche is just coming to the end of his longest continuous teaching tour of Europe in the last 12 years (since I started to help Rinpoche with planning etc) – five months non stop! Immediately this finishes Rinpoche will fly to Canada to start another month’s teaching tour of North America. (See Teaching Schedule here). In this time Rinpoche will have visited and taught at over 48 centres and stops, taken 29 flights, 5 trains, 4 ferries, driven countless miles, taught on numerous topics, given lungs and empowerments, taken part in conferences in person and online, and given advice and help to many.
As I write this Rinpoche is waiting at Barcelona airport as his plane is delayed by nearly 2 hours. Over the years this has happened many times. Rinpoche has arrived at the airport to find his flight has been cancelled, missed his flight when the departure was changed, broken his case and had to source another, his plane has been struck by lightning and diverted, he has been wrongly refused to board a flight during covid restrictions and had to wait 2 weeks for another.
I’ve never heard of any other teacher who travels as intensely as Rinpoche.
I’m sure you will join me to offer Rinpoche an enormous THANK YOU! from all of us.
Bernie Hartley
Rinpoche’s Secretary