In this new video, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche introduces the forthcoming Online Study Group and the object of the study, Shantideva’s Bodhicharyavatara—a core textbook in a traditional Shedra and one of the most important texts to study on the Buddhist path.
As Rinpoche says, according to the great Tibetan Master Patrul Rinpoche,
“If you really understand this book, then you understand more or less everything about Buddhism. This book contains not only the understanding, but also the heart, the practice, the meditation, the action – therefore you don’t need anything else to study but this book, Bodhicharyavatara.”
The Online Study Group will start on the Bodhicharya website around the beginning of October. Please read more about the study schedule, text resources and requested commitments on the Online Shedra area.
Everybody is warmly invited to partake in this wonderful opportunity and follow Rinpoche’s teachings on the Bodhicharya website. Please pass on the invitation to all your dharma friends.
As Rinpoche says in the video, this year he was not able to visit all the centers he usually visits, so he hopes that this online Shedra will be a way to connect and study together.
We wish to thank Ringu Tulku Rinpoche and Tom Zachmeier, who kindly recorded this video recently at Bodhicharya Berlin in the midst of a busy schedule.