Autumn Editorial



Now that the Autumn equinox has passed, we are experiencing the darker afternoons and the late rising of the sun in the northern hemisphere.  Ianthe Pickles has brought us her recent memories of summer with her personal take on Summer Days on the Allotmenta mindful and relaxing observation of the animals, plants and the drama of nature in the raw.

Chico Dall’igna’s latest film, More Than One Life is being released.  Here, the trailer contains cameos of participants in the final film and the beginnings of the search for the rebirth of Akong Tulku Rinpoche.

Maeve O’Sullivan’s latest edition of haiku and senryu, Wasp on a Prayer Flag, takes into account her vivid and most importantly her humane take on the varied aspects of life both in Ireland and abroad.

Lastly, Ron Hirch’s new series of videos, The Practical Buddhist: Coming Home, is available on line.

Subscription to Many Roads for Bodhicharya is FREE.

Wishing everyone peace and happiness over the coming month
Albert Harris, Ed.

Photo: Yeshe Dorje


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