Slooped from the slow hiss,
Bombadee, bomp,
Slip, shine, whine and chuckle.
Tinkle, rattle, buzz and winkle,
Slurp, burp, fart and stomp,
With xylophone and whoopee whistle.
Emerging, raging,
Question, riddle,
Dance and rhythm,
Snake and wriggle,
Dodge and mark, hark and fumble,
Into life’s loud world we rumble.
Stamping, marching,
Drums and cymbals,
Bangs and trumpets,
No eurhythmics,
Argle-bargle of hoddy-noddies
Thrown harem scarem to fuddy duddies,
We strive to
Make our own sound…
“Puddysticks!” A hootenanny!
Shouting, laughing, strutting,
Marvellous works and adoration
Years of strife and hours of duty,
A chance to see the grand finale,
Behold, the lollygag and woopie!
And all at once, arriving puzzled,
Stumbled, bent,
Exsanguinous, umbiferous and needy,
Dressed in fuscous coats… and seedy!
Bombilating and bumfuzzled,
Rum-sozzled and stinky!
(This poem was inspired by a quote ‘The Word itself is a Musical Sound’)
Eurhythmics……………….……………in harmonious proportion.
Argle-bargle……………………………………………meaningless chat
Hoddy-noddies…………………………….……….………..daft people
Calithumpian………………………………..……..……….noisy parade
Puddysticks….childish South African word, meaning ‘easy’.
Deedy………………..………………………..industrious or effective.
Lollygag……………………spending time in an aimless lazy way.
‘Woopie’………….………………………..……Well Off Older Person.
Exsanguinous……..………………………..….bloodless or anaemic
Fuscous…………….…………………….dark and sombre in colour
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