Each morning you wake and begin your inner story about the day ahead. Much of this story is a repetition of the thousands of stories you have spu in your life. What if you could birth a new story, completely untouched by your old stories? Would it take you somewhere you have not been before? The beautiful thing about you is that you are a storyteller. The challenging part is that we are not immune to our old stories or those others tell.
Bless you for being a storyteller. May your heart’s desires write the fresh new script for your mind to direct and your behaviour to act out. May the performance be so moving that you decide to write a new play each morning. The seats are sure to be filled with patrons like Healing, Wonder, Discovery, and Renewal. The sellout streak will never end. And friends will wonder how they can get a phenomenal life like yours.
From Fresh Peace: Daily Blossoming of the Soul by Jaiya John
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