Dear friends and readers of Many Roads
I am happy to take on the task of editing Many Roads and look forward to receiving posts from contributors. The articles and poetry published in past editions have all been welcome and I look forward to receiving writing in the less-used categories of Music and Photography as well as Fictional Writing.
Finding the writer in you is a bit like being mindful of the potential to express one’s experiences in the best communicative way. This could be through any of the media mentioned above. And I will welcome submissions on a wide variety of subjects.
Now we need contributions from you. This is easily done by sending an email to along with any photos; and a brief updated bio-data would also be appreciated which can be attached to the email. Please post your submissions by July 31. 2013.
Lastly, a big thank you to Margaret Ford for her work in past publications.
Wishing you all well in your endeavours
Albert Harris
For Bodhicharya, Many Roads
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