Today we cannot do, behave, or think the same way as we did yesterday about tomorrow. Today is truly the first day of the rest of our lives. Yesterday’s actions, habits and strategies will not work the way they work before COV-19. The world is at war with this virus and I’m sure that we will unite together and prevail as we have in the past.
But not all is hopeless. Everything, or almost everything has a purpose, and although it may be difficult to see what good can come from something as awful as this we need to learn to adapt, change and resolve to overcome this situation.
Out of every problem is an opportunity to adapt, change and improve our life.
For those of us who are confined to home and have the ability to connect with the outside world through the internet, this gives us an opportunity to tidy up our environment … time to organize our closets, basements, files, hard drives, our thoughts, and our analogue world, exercising at home, walking outside, laughing, singing, learning, talking, writing, communicating with each other.
We have the tools, the apps, the ways and means to improve our lives whilst going through this transition.
This too will pass.
We also need to help those less fortunate by creating lines of communication between friends and family.
We need to pray, meditate, exercise stay healthy and strong and overcome fear.
Now is the time for us all to find creative ways to improve our future together, to stop being affected by world media manipulation and focus on our family and friends, locally and abroad.
We have to be grateful for every second of every minute of everyday for all we have and more importantly the things we don’t have that we don’t need.
For years, now, my lovely wife and I have become good-will ambassadors, determined not to wait for bad things to happen and to appreciate the good things we have in our lives that we so easily take for granted. Things like clean water in our taps, fresh air, food in our cupboards and shelves on stores.
A few years ago whilst visiting in Florida, where the public were tense and worried about issues like ‘black lives matter’, I saw a Sheriff sitting in his squad car outside a Walmart. We cautiously approached the car and I asked the sheriff if he would help me fulfill a New Year’s resolution. He looked at me cautiously and I continued by telling him that I had resolved to never pass a first responder without thanking them for being here. The change in attitude and gratitude was palpable.
We’ve being doing it ever since wherever we go with bus drivers, baristas and checkout workers in supermarkets, everyone we come in contact. It is important for us to be kind and complimentary to all we interact with and meet, especially first responders who are on the front line.
Try it. It can save someone’s day and bring them back from fear, doubt and uncertainty that we all have.
With Gratitude.
Norman, Toronto
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