You learn something every day if you pay attention.
In this issue, Anne Katrin Voss has been interviewed by Michele Sisto. Anne started her studies at the Academy of Fine Art in Dusseldorf. Entering late into education at the age of 45, Anne pioneered Multi-cultural Constellation Work with refugees, some suffering the trauma caused by their experiences in their earlier lives. Her focus has been Mindfulness in Education.
Anne has written two books for young adults. A third book is in the process of being published, On the Trail of Happiness, and will be donated free to the public.
In her research, Anne has been influenced by Marshall Rosenberg and his ideas on non-violent communication, surely a discipline that could be useful in today’s world of growing conflict. Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer have also influenced her take on Solution-Focused Brief Therapy.
Anne remains in contact with some of her students despite having retired from education 10 years ago.
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