Pride waits, in ambush –
Poised, ready to sabotage
All my attempts to open
Into something more ordinary.
Adorned, with lipstick
And polished nails,
Eyelids fluttering,
It pounces without warning-
Shattering all illusions
Of equanimity,
As self deception
Is exposed, in the holy show.
But then the other side,
The underbelly,
Crawls away into the undergrowth,
Disclaiming Tathagarbata-
Because, despite the
Fundamental emptiness
Of Buddha nature,
It is still not good enough.
Pride is sneaky,
A clever one, busy being creative –
Offering alternatives
To the basic truth.
The process is painful as
It sets itself up over and again
To be crushed,
Over and over again,
Until nothing
Is left to be crushed,
Until there is nothing left
To prostrate.
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