Deep inside us we all know that the challenges we face as individuals and as a community are not merely of an economical and technological nature. They concern our basic values and our fundamental conception of what it means to be human. This is the story of the substance that makes life on earth possible; water. Water has many unique and mysterious physical qualities and there is no other substance quite like it.
Water is everything to us – we would die quickly without a clean potable supply of it. Sustainability will mean nothing if we do not care for water. Water is essential to the transmission and dissemination of all elements (hormones, chemical messengers and nutrients) in our bodies and the eventual elimination of residues and toxins. Water is essential to our health and polluted water can cause great distress, chronic illness and death each year to millions of people throughout the world.
The importance of water becomes most apparent when it is absent. What is most missed and treasured in a desert? Anyone would say it is water and yet modern society does not care for it. The demand for ‘safe’ water is constantly increasing, whether for consumption or recreation. Science and engineering are essential to our abilities to protect, maintain and re-purify water but the more successful we are technically; the more we distance ourselves from the responsibility of not abusing water in the first place. The physical, cultural and attitudinal legacy of water we are leaving to our children is unsustainable. We need to return to caring for and loving water.
Many children live a modern lifestyle with little contact or understanding of the natural elements. This modern way of life means water is seen as a necessity for daily living; washing, making tea, flushing the toilet…! Water is very much taken for granted.
What do our children think? How much do they really know about water, how would they care for it?
Engaging children in a positive, contemplative relationship with nature and water requires opening their minds and hearts to the wonder of its unique qualities and capacities. To facilitate this open way of learning it is necessary for children to establish a love and passion for water as a natural, environmental element and also as a fascinating physical and chemical compound.
Dr Masaru Emoto has been a pioneer of research into the effects of our thoughts, words and feelings upon the energetic purity of water molecules. He has shown through his studies the influence which positive or negative thoughts, words, sound and images can affect upon water crystal formation. Publishing his work in the popular, yet controversial, book, ‘Messages from Water’, Dr Masaru Emoto delivers a message, which encourages us to take responsibility for our own mental/physical health and the well being of the world around us in a way, which is accessible to all.
The water crystal photographs show the effect, which can be made by negative or positive words. Water exposed to ‘love & gratitude’ formed beautiful hexagonal crystals but water exposed to the phrase ‘I will kill you’ produced distorted crystals.
Photograph: exposed to Imagine by John Lennon
Dr Masaru Emoto has shown that molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words and emotions. Through this highly visual technique he has shown to the world that the energy vibrations change the form of water crystals. Positive words and images create beautiful crystal forms and the negative creates distorted crystals (quantum pollution). These findings gave rise to the HADO theory.
Dr Emoto’s experiments suggest that water has an inherent spirit within it. We are 70% water and are primarily alive because of water. Within the human environment, water itself becomes a living form. The spirit within us is ultimately linked with the spirit of water itself. In this context, water occupies a unique and distinctive place within our living form and is to be cherished.
It is part of human nature to want to be happy. Dr Emoto’s experiments with water help guide us to the conclusion that to be happy we need to look internally and cultivate positive thinking. Francesco Cavalli-Sforza explains that ‘Happiness does not come automatically… In order to become happy, we have to learn how to change our selves’.
According to Buddhist philosophy, all phenomena are a manifestation of our continual thoughts, a manifestation of our consciousness. Buddhist teachings look at many ways of cultivating happiness through the practice of meditation. These practices involve imprinting our minds with the positive and reducing negative imprinting through the use of specialised mental imagery and prayer.
Water is the most precious molecule on earth. The health and survival of all living things, including the planet itself, depends on water and yet we abuse, waste and pollute it. Through understanding the living, vibrating and changeable nature of water itself, we can gain a better understanding of the changeable nature of ourselves and the universe around us.
What we do to water, we do to ourselves! We need to take responsibility for what happens to us. Like the human body, the earth’s surface is also 70% water and the idea of water as the ‘Essential Spirit of Place’ is environmentally relevant both personally and on a global scale. Studying and understanding this concept will help engender a more responsible attitude towards our behaviour, as we begin to realise that our actions can affect both the spirit within and the spirit of our mother Earth.
Water is the essence of life and the great connection between all that lives. The value judgments we display in our treatment of water is intrinsically linked with how we value ourselves as living beings. With this understanding, we as individuals and as a community can work to promote a renewed understanding of the relationship between water and humankind.
Kumanga Andrahennadi MA
President: Office Masaru Emoto UK
Born in Sri Lanka, Kumanga travelled to the UK as a graphic design student in 2000 and over the last 13 years she has integrated her creative talent, design training, Buddhist practice and interest in community welfare into her academic research and charitable activities.
As a University lecturer and PhD Researcher, Kumanga is currently developing a new approach to design practice called ‘Mindful Heart Design’ and also runs workshops and specialist mindfulness-based programmes for children with ADHD.
As a Youth Committee member of the Interfaith Scotland, she continues to work throughout Scotland to encourage community cohesion, inter-religious understanding and cooperation
In 2011 she was nominated by the Interfaith Scotland to address the Scottish Parliament. Currently as the President of Office Masaru Emoto UK, Kumanga works to promote the message: how developing inner peace can inspire peace within families, communities and nations.
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