Rinpoche: latest update

Rinpoche is resting well in Bodhicharya Berlin and is growing a bit stronger every day.  All is well.  He intends to fly to Delhi on 28th September and travel on to Gangtok on 30th. Thanks again for all your kind comments and concern.

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Ladakh Floods Appeal Update

Margaret Richardson of the Rigul Trust has asked us to pass on the following most recent news from Ladakh that she has received from Khenpo Rangdol. You can also see pictures from Ladakh on the Rigul Trust web site at www.rigultrust.org Dear Dharma brothers and sisters, Greetings!  Hope this mail finds you well with the blessings lord

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Rinpoche’s Health

Dear Friends, As many of you will already know, Rinpoche had undergone a series of medical tests while he was in Berlin in August. While Rinpoche’s health is generally very good it was discovered that he had gall stones and it was decided that he should have his gall bladder removed as soon as possible. 

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Ladakh Floods Appeal

Rigul Trust have just posted (on their blog) a news update regarding the relief effort in Ladakh from Khenpo Rangdol, Principal of Kagyu Colllege, Dehra Dun. To read his letter and to find out more about the progress being made, please visit: http://rigultrust.wordpress.com/2010/08/28/ladakh-floods-appeal/

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The principle of relativity-emptiness

During the 2009 Bodhicharya Summer Camp, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche invited the astrophysicist Laurent Nottale to say a few words about the principle of relativity. Subsequently, many participants expressed their wish to have more details about this point, especially concerning the possible link with the Buddhist concept of emptiness. Therefore, Laurent presented a separate talk in

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Interview with Ringu Tulku Rinpoche

Below is a link to an interview with Rinpoche, in French*, on ANIMAN. Open publication – Free publishing – More bodhgaya You can also see the whole magazine by visiting: http://issuu.com/mudriam/docs/animan157-bodhgaya With thanks to Yumma Mudra *We will make an English translation available as soon as possible.

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