This LIVE Question and Answer Session with Rinpoche took place on:
Please join us for these bi-monthly live sessions with Rinpoche and ask your question live or send them in advance using the comments areas or forms on any of the Bodhicharyavatara teaching posts.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 37
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 109-113
Looking into the nature of Patience and causes and conditions for our own development of Patience, the next verses are discursory, questioning the reasons for taking enemies as objects for our Patience, and giving the example of a doctor bringing little opportunity for practise, as that role is one of helper and advocate. So this is why we should honour and be grateful to our enemies.
An important point to note here is that in the teachings of Lord Buddha there are two fields of veneration: the field of Jinas, (self conquerers) or Buddhas, and the field of samsaric beings. The fertile ground of Buddha’s awakening was in fact samsara, and it was sentient samsaric beings who provided the conditions for his practise, with out those, enlightenment would not be possible. Therefore they are both to be recognised and venerated equally.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on 31st May. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 36
Chapter 6: Patience
Answers to Written Questions 4
Rinpoche continues to answer some of the presubmitted questions, which were sent regarding Stanzas 87-97 and some other topics.
The topics discussed on this video are:
– Karma, feeling responsible for others’ actions & self-blame (continued from part 3)
– A meditation technique to reduce anger?
– Are there Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana individuals, and how is patience seen by them
– Patience towards those in powerful positions, who are causing harm
In the next two Answer videos Rinpoche will answer the rest of the previously presubmitted questions not yet answered so far.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom. Next webinar will be on 31st May. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below or in the post your questions pertains to. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 35
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 104-108
Stanzas 104-108 delve more deeply into examining the causes and conditions that affect how a person who I consider an enemy and an obstruction to my practice of patience, can actually be the object of my practise for developing patience. For example, for me to practise generosity, there must be someone in need, someone to provide the right condition for that act of giving. Similarly with Patience, if there is no hindrance, where is the opportunity to develop Patience? Not only that, but I should offer or dedicate the fruits of my progress on the path to enlightenment first to those objects of my practice, because I could not have developed or progressed on the path without their intervention. They are a cause for my spiritual development.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be announced here soon. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 34
Chapter 6: Patience
Answers to Written Questions 3
This is the third video with Rinpoche’s answers to some of the questions sent to him regarding stanzas 87-97 of Chapter 6, and some other topics, which were not yet answered in the Live session.
The topics discussed are:
– Nature of anger and its karmic effect; Wrathful protectors
– Karma, feeling responsible for others’ actions & self-blame
Rinpoche will continue his answer to the last question of this video on his next Answer video, and on the next three Answer videos he will answer the rest of the presubmitted questions not yet answered so far.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be announced here soon. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below or in the post your questions pertains to. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
The Zoom Webinar was webcast live on:
Please join us for these bi-monthly live sessions with Rinpoche and ask your question live (on Zoom only) or send them in advance using the comments areas or forms on any of the Bodhicharyavatara teaching posts.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 32
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 100-103
In the next verses, 100-103, we are asked to look more deeply at our responses when people intentionally or unintentionally do or say something that obstructs us from acquiring the worldly objects we chase after – wealth, fame, honour. It even asks us to consider being grateful to those people for showing us this is where the source of our suffering lies: that our suffering is within our own emotional response to feeling deprived of these worldly things.
The text goes further, to say that these people who stir us to anger and hatred are our teachers, as these are the times when practising Patience is most important, in fact this is the true practice of Dharma and the time to generate compassion and practise kindness.
We might say that there are times when anger is appropriate, like when our attempts to practice Dharma and do good deeds are obstructed. But as the Buddha has said, the true Dharma practice is Patience. So should I not abide by this?
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on Sunday, 17th May. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 31
Chapter 6: Patience
Answers to Written Questions 2
This is the second video with Rinpoche’s answers to some of the questions sent to him regarding stanzas 87-97 of Chapter 6, and some other topics, which were not yet answered in the Live session on 3rd May.
The topics discussed are:
– Being true to ourselves; Fear
– Forgiveness and patience
Rinpoche will return to remaining questions in the next videos.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on Sunday, 17th May. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 30
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 98-99
In these next two verses we are looking at how we receive praise, or criticism; how when someone praises us we can carried away in the glory, develop pride and forget our path of renunciation, because if we indulge in adulation it develops an attachment to the samsaric way. If we are on the receiving end of praise it shouldn’t feed our hunger for recognition, but be accepted with humility, with an understanding of the way even good things can change in a flash into something negative. On the other hand, being on the receiving end of criticism even when it is not intended as such can be hurtful and generate hostility, so we should also look for the truth in what is happening, recognising our personal fault-lines when they are exposed to us, be thankful to our enemy for the reminder, and leave aside our angry hurt pride. This is true patience.
If we dwell on the criticism, we become resentful, and forget our own potential. There is no room for martyrdom here. It often happens that a negative interaction comes through misunderstanding, and knowing this can help us to look compassionately on the other person. Having that attitude may even generate a new resilient friendship.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be announced on these pages soon. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 29
Chapter 6: Patience
Answers to Written Questions
Rinpoche has recorded a video with answers to some of the questions sent to him regarding stanzas 87-97 of Chapter 6, and some other topics, which were not yet answered in the Live session on 3rd May.
The topics of these four questions are:
– Restricted teachings in the Archive
– Arrogance and contentment
– Letting go of anger in long term
– Reconciliation
Rinpoche will return to the remaining questions in later videos from time to time.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be announced on these pages soon. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Please join us for these bi-monthly live sessions with Rinpoche and ask your question live (on Zoom only) or send them in advance using the comments area or form on any of the Bodhicharyavatara teaching posts.
Rinpoche may record an additional video session in which he will answer the remaining pre-submitted questions. This will be added to the Archive shortly afterwards.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 27
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 94-97
Here Rinpoche summarises the three kinds of Patience, and talks about the temporal nature of sounds and the need to develop a deeper understanding of the source of our misguided view: that another persons’ praise for ourselves and our loved ones is a genuine cause for happiness. This he says is a misunderstanding, because if the root of our happiness comes from the mere words that are devoid of intellect, or from the joy of the person who is uttering the praise, why then should we distinguish between the joy felt by someone who praises me and my kin and the joy of a person praising my enemy? Why would we hurt if we hear of an enemy receiving praise?
If we rely on the words of praise or criticism from another person as the source of our own happiness or pain, we are depending on something that is inconsistent because everything constantly changes.
To find genuine happiness we must let go the idea that contentment comes from outside ourselves. No-one else can know what is best for us, and neither can I know what is best for another person. Everyone is different, so I must be patient with my own and another persons’ expectations.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on May 3. You are encouraged to pose your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 26
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 92-93
Rinpoche begins this session reminding us to look after our mental and physical wellbeing, because it is important to maintain focus and have stability in times like these.
Continuing the practice of Patience, in the following verses 92 and 93 we are examining the effects and consequences of giving in to anger and hatred. We naturally want to defend ourselves and loved ones and those we consider kin, and to punish or retaliate in some other way when we feel threatened by attacks from others or when it seems our enemy is being given credence or unjustly praised for what we see as negative behaviour.
There is more to consider than is apparent on the face of any interaction and when we feel wrongly accused there can be an urge to adjust or justify our actions to save face, and that can create further problems and misconceptions. There will always be criticism, so it is advisable to stay true to yourself and not be swayed to anger by the opinions of others.
A castle made of sand will crumble, nothing lasts forever. Similarly, thoughts and emotional responses only last as long as we give them power. Look for the truth in a slanderous remark and learn from it. Developing kindness and understanding through patience are key to a healthy mind.
You can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on May 3. You are encouraged to pose your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 25
Chapter 6: patience
Stanzas 90-91
In this session, Rinpoche talks about placing the focus for our Patience onto situations where we or our loved ones are experiencing negativity from others––even while we are attempting to do something that could be seen as praiseworthy. Most of us enjoy admiration and recognition, but is it in our best interests to dwell on the bad will of others and let it dominate our mind-state? How should we respond when one person attempts to turn others against us through making defamatory remarks or otherwise physically obstructs us, should we retaliate with anger or does that just feed fuel to the fire?
It is not through anger and hatred, which will only serve to work against us, but through remaining patient, being true to ourselves and keeping positive intention firmly in mind that will be of benefit in the long run.
You can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be announced soon. You are encouraged to pose your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 24
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 87-89
Cultivating Patience Through Obstacles
Rinpoche has now completed his synopsis of the first volumes of the text and in this Session returns to the actual verses, beginning with verse 87, which examines the pitfalls of rejoicing when unhappiness befalls ones’ enemies or when someone gives help or is of benefit to those people we consider our enemy.
This hostile way of thinking, he says, causes harm and creates a tendency to become joyless and entrenched in negative thinking. This flies in the face of the basic aspiration and ethos of the practice, which is for all beings to be happy, including our enemies.
In this negative way of thinking, we are creating our own hell realm and so by changing our way of seeing things we are giving rise to transformation. In the short term, a change of thinking is relatively easy and can bring about positive impact to our relationships, in the longer term, with more deeply rooted problematic relationships it is more difficult, but a simple change of ones own mind can bring a positive result.
Thus the practice of patience in this type of situation is a very powerful purification.
You can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be announced soon. You are encouraged to pose your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
On Sunday, 19th April, Rinpoche took part in a live question and answer session. Rinpoche answered questions submitted on the recent Bodhicharyavatara course teachings in the Archive and also live questions put to him on Zoom.
You can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.