Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 2
Chapter 7: Diligence
Stanzas 2-3
Rinpoche continues to examine the meaning of Diligence. He says we must look first at what prevents us from being diligent, and describes methods for working on the three common styles of laziness, and showing us how to recognise our own style of laziness because that is the obstacle we use to prevent ourselves from joyfully engaging in more positive actions that will benefit us and everyone else.
So here we are challenged to look within ourselves for the answer at a time when we are surrounded by external influences for instance the current pandemic or poor government, things that we believe block our peace and happiness. If we only focus on getting rid of the outer problems they will simply be replaced by others. So we need to recognise the part our own afflictive emotions play in preventing happiness and work on those with diligence.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 7 along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–7 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted once or twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on July 26th. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
This LIVE Question and Answer Session with Rinpoche took place on:
The recorded video of the live session is now above. For the audio only version, and all the audio translations, visit the Chapter 7 page.
The next LIVE Question and Answer Session with Rinpoche will be:
Sunday, 9th August 2020 – 14:30 pm GMT/UTC
Details to follow.
Please join us for these bi-monthly live sessions with Rinpoche and ask your question live or send them in advance using the comments areas or forms on any of the Bodhicharyavatara teaching posts.
If you would like to make an offering for translations, please click the links below:
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 1
Chapter 7: Diligence
Stanzas 1-2
Here Rinpoche first invokes the blessings of the master and teachers, before introducing Diligence, which translates as joyful action or effort and is the topic of Chapter 7 in the Bodhicharyavatara.
He then briefly summarises the previous chapter on Patience which is the underlying practice through which diligence arises. Rinpoche gives insight into the true meaning of Diligence as it is understood in Buddhism: here is perseverance, a light touch, joy, enthusiasm, it flows easily from a wish to become enlightened and is a training discovered through practising patience, without harshness but with a continuing letting go of the negative mind-states and activities that impede progress on our path. When we are engaged in our practice with diligence, we engage with the same mind-set that we bring to any activity we are passionate about; it is a tireless training in recognising and letting go what is not useful or of benefit. However, if practiced without a joyful mind, he says, it is not true diligence.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 7 along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted once or twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on July 26th. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 52
Chapter 6: Patience
Answers to Written Questions 9
Rinpoche answers the presubmitted questions that were sent before Live Q&A on July 12th, and were not yet answered in the Live session.
The topics discussed are:
– Realising bodhichitta through patience and transforming of negative circumstances in a skilful way
– Story of a pig chased by a dog around a Stupa and their future connection with the Dharma
– 3 questions regarding The Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra of Certainty
– Will Rinpoche continue doing these 20 minute sessions on the next chapters of the Bodhicharyavatara
– Experiencing our past wrongdoings in the Bardo
– Patience when helping a sick person
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted once or twice a week, usually on Tuesday and Friday, so please visit here often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom. Next webinar will be on 26th July. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below or in the post your questions pertains to. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
The LIVE Question and Answer Session with Rinpoche took place on:
The next LIVE Question and Answer Session with Rinpoche will be:
Sunday, 26th July 2020 – 14:30 pm GMT/UTC
Details to follow.
The recorded video of the live session is now above. For the audio only version, and all the audio translations, visit the Chapter 6 page.
Please join us for these bi-monthly live sessions with Rinpoche and ask your question live or send them in advance using the comments areas or forms on any of the Bodhicharyavatara teaching posts.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
If you would like to make an offering for translations, please click the links below:
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 50
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 133-134. Conclusion of Chapter 6.
Rinpoche returns to the concluding verses on Patience, in particular the karmic result that practising patience brings; developing patience brings an inner beauty that shows itself externally in physical appearance, in beauty, in longevity and these are some of the 32 major and 80 minor marks of the Buddha––the signs of enlightenment. This he says doesn’t preclude causal conditions, but these signs are seen as a temporary result in this life and can also carry into future lives. He reminds us that practising patience can bring hardship and difficulties, so an open mind, tolerance and forbearance are very important. A person who carries anger shows it in their face and behaviour, citing the story of the patience of a rishi when a Chakravartin King hacked the rishi to death.
Rinpoche notes there are many repetitions in his personal teaching style and this he says can be annoying, but are useful, as re-reading the verses helps to understand and memorise them.
He says that practising patience is not only essential to the developing bodhisattva, it will lead very directly to Buddhahood.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted once or twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on July 12th. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 49
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 127 and 133-134
Rinpoche returns to stanzas 127 and 133 which he says contain critical instructions: The Dalai Lama has said if you want to help yourself intelligently, you must serve sentient beings. Serving others is the surest path to enlightenment, give you a purpose, help you to feel good about yourself and is the way to the end of suffering. Even the smallest gesture will make a difference. If everyone behaved in the same way, putting others first, all the peoples in the world would be out of suffering, living in heaven.
Rinpoche tells the story relating how the first king came into being, and how taxes became part of the social fabric of society, for the benefit of everyone. Beginning the final stanza of this chapter, he lists the karmic benefits of practising Patience.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted once or twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be announced here soon. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
This LIVE Question and Answer Session with Rinpoche took place on:
The next LIVE Question and Answer Session with Rinpoche will be:
Sunday, 12th July 2020 – 14:30 pm GMT/UTC
Details to follow.
The recorded video of the live session is now above. For the audio only version, and all the audio translations, visit the Chapter 6 page.
Please join us for these bi-monthly live sessions with Rinpoche and ask your question live or send them in advance using the comments areas or forms on any of the Bodhicharyavatara teaching posts.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
If you would like to make an offering for translations, please click the links below:
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 47
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 128-133
These verses invite us to consider how we respond to sentient beings who are harming us. Like all beings, they have the support not only of the buddhas and bodhisattvas, but also the guardians of hell. Like a representative of a king, their personal power may be negligible, but if they are working for a powerful or fierce royal master, there will be great negative consequences for me. The buddhas hold each of us in their love and compassion, without any discrimination, they would be upset by our retaliatory behaviour because we hurt ourselves so much more. No matter how badly they behave or how much damage our enemies are doing, our personal pain will be even greater if we fight back. Neither can a king bestow enlightenment, only we can do that for ourselves. Because of this, we must be patient even with a murderer and treat them as if they were our family, justly and with understanding, look upon them as a source of potential happiness. This attitude alone will bring us on the path to enlightenment, even in this lifetime.
(Stanza 127 was skipped in this session, but it will be explained next time.)
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on 28th June. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 46
Chapter 6: Patience
Answers to Written Questions 8
Rinpoche answers the presubmitted questions that were sent before Live Q&A on June 14th, and some other questions on White Tara practice and other topics.
The topics discussed are:
– Meaning of the Tibetan expression “datar gyi shepa”
– How to offer help to others skilfully
– Skilful way of practicing patience
– What is the meaning of “getting rid of causes and conditions”
– Bodhisattva vows
– Position of TAM in Tara sadhana practice
– Visualising myself as Tara / Fuller understanding by reading longer sadhanas / Language of recitation
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted once or twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom. Next webinar will be on 28th June. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below or in the post your questions pertains to. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 45
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 124-126
In his commentary on these next verses Rinpoche points out that even though we revere the wisdom and kindness of the buddhas and bodhisattvas it is through our misdeeds that we cause unhappiness to them. Thus it is imperative that we ask forgiveness for transgressions which have been the cause of suffering to sentient beings, and consequently to the buddhas and bodhisattvas themselves.
To benefit all beings we must become the master of our own thoughts and actions. Becoming master of my own thoughts and actions will allow me to serve others, because I have gained control of my own wayward thoughts. When I consider that sentient beings have been my parents in previous lives, then it motivates me to respect them and through the practice of patience, even when they don’t appreciate my offer I go one step further and determine to make them the primary recipients of my future enlightenment.
My primary concern is to make the buddhas and bodhisattvas happy, and I do this by developing a positive and forgiving attitude, understanding where I cause harm, and putting sentient beings before myself.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be announced here soon. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
This LIVE Question and Answer Session with Rinpoche took place on:
Please join us for these bi-monthly live sessions with Rinpoche and ask your question live or send them in advance using the comments areas or forms on any of the Bodhicharyavatara teaching posts.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
If you would like to make an offering for translations, please click the links below:
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 43
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 119-123
These next verses challenge the student to completely rethink his or her relationship with the buddhas, bodhisattvas and sentient beings.
Buddhas and bodhisattvas themselves regard all sentient beings with respect, in fact the buddhas’ own happiness is derived from the happiness of sentient beings. Because of this we should regard the buddhas and bodhisattvas––even those we have not connected with, as our unacquainted friends.
The Enlightened Ones treat all sentient beings equally and go to great lengths to help them. Their compassion is limitless, recognising the harm we cause to ourselves and others out of ignorance, they work patiently doing whatever they can to relieve our suffering.
It is a mistake to make offerings to them while at the same time holding our fellow sentient beings apart, even believing them to be beneath us. If it is our wish to help the Enlightened Ones and make them happy, this will not be done through making offerings only to them, it will be done through revering sentient beings and serving them as the buddhas do, by making offerings to them as we would Enlightened Beings.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on 14th June. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 42
Chapter 6: Patience
Answers to Written Questions 7
Rinpoche answers the presubmitted questions that were sent before Live Q&A on May 31st.
The topics discussed are:
– Responding with patience instead of self-righteous anger
– Not expecting harm from other people
– Visualisation is not easy for me
– Which mantra is more effective, Vajrasattva or Medicine Buddha, or is it the intention that counts most
– Medicine Buddha as my daily practice
– Karma and justice system
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom. Next webinar will be on 14th June. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below or in the post your questions pertains to. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Session 41
Chapter 6: Patience
Stanzas 114-118
Verses 114 – 118 examine why it is important to be grateful to sentient beings and make offerings to them as if they were buddhas. Normally we make offerings to the buddhas with a reverence and gratitude for what we receive from them, for their wisdom, kindness, compassion, the fact that they show us the path. However, we need to think about the reasons these buddhas were able to bring themselves to the awakened state; this is due very much to sentient beings who afforded the buddhas and bodhisattvas the opportunity to practice. Through the practise of patience, with a generous attitude and recognising the seed of Buddhahood in sentient beings despite adversity, the buddhas reached enlightenment. Therefore sentient beings are the cause of enlightenment in the buddhas and we should honour them and make offerings to them as we would a buddha.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom, which will be simultaneously streamed on this website. Next webinar will be on 14th June. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Teachings on Bodhicharyavatara
Sessions 39 and 40
Chapter 6: Patience
Answers to Written Questions 5 and 6
On these two videos Rinpoche continues to answer the presubmitted questions which were sent regarding Stanzas 87-97 and some other topics.
The topics discussed here are:
– Patience towards those in powerful positions, who are causing harm
– Request for a short Tara practice
– How to take advice
– Living in the present vs. making plans and commitments
– Attachment to rituals, celebrations and regulations in Dharma groups / Restricted teachings
– Recommendations on handling Dharma books and texts
– How to stabilise meditation practice in order to stay positive
This ends the answers to the first compilation of presubmitted questions. The next Answers to Written Questions will be on the presubmitted questions that Rinpoche started to answer in Live webinar on May 31st.
Archive members can also view the teaching on the Chapter 6 page along with the other teachings on this chapter. All previous sessions on Chapters 1–6 are available in the Courses section of the Teachings Archive.
New sessions will be posted twice a week, usually on Tuesday and on Friday, so please visit us often. Every Friday we will send a mailout with links to all new teachings posted during the week.
Rinpoche has kindly agreed to answer questions regarding these teachings once in every two weeks in a live webinar on Zoom. Next webinar will be announced here soon. You are encouraged to ask your question live in the webinar, but if you are more comfortable with submitting it in writing, you can do so by using the comment area below or in the post your questions pertains to. Please reflect on your question carefully before you send it, and be concise and only use one short paragraph and less than 80 words.
In any other questions and for technical help, please contact us at Teachings Archive.
These teachings are dedicated for all who are sick and dying of corona virus, and for all who are tirelessly working in order to help them.