With this video BA4Q4 Rinpoche answers some more questions submitted by Online Shedra students during the past few weeks, regarding the choice we have and taking refuge.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 4 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 4 page.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche answers the questions submitted by Online Shedra students concerning stanzas 12 to 32 of the fourth chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara. This is the questions and answers video BA4Q3.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 4 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 4 page.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.
Recently Ringu Tulku Rinpoche gave a week-long teaching in Brussels on Two Bodhichittas, which was recorded and shared with Bodhicharya by Ger Reinders. You can download and listen to the teachings at http://bodhicharya.intouch.net/pg/groups/103086/Recent+Teaching+of+Rinpoche/
To listen to the teachings simply register with the Bodhicharya Communities – the social media for Bodhicharya – if you haven’t done so already, and then login and follow the link above or find the community Recent Teaching of Rinpoche on the community list at the community website.
A new video teaching of Rinpoche on the Bodhicharyavatara and his answers to some of the recent questions sent by the followers of the Online Shedra teachings will be posted here soon.
Photo: Francois Henrard
With video BA4_28-32 Rinpoche gives a teaching on stanzas 28-32 of the fourth chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara, which are the beginning of the section on the importance of carefulness considering the kleshas, or the negative emotions, that we need to free ourselves from. First we reflect on the faults or shortcomings of these negative emotions.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 4 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 4 page.
We are also studying the commentary transcript on Chapter 4, which you can download here and in the Library section. Further recommended reading: the commentary book by Kunzang Pelden (Khenpo Kunpal), The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech, p. 155-156.
You’re questions are most welcome. Please log in and leave your questions for Rinpoche as a comment below, or send them via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org. It is helpful if you can use one short paragraph and, if possible, less than 80 words. Any questions longer than that may have to be edited so please be concise. Questions will be collected from here on Friday, January 12, 2012, and included in Rinpoche’s answers video. After that date please send any questions relating to this video teaching via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche is now on tour in Jakarta and Singapore. In Jakarta he is attending a global Buddhist conference as the keynote speaker, and after that he will teach in Singapore. You can find the details in Rinpoche’s Travel Schedule.
On the occasion of the 900 anniversary celebration year of the First Karmapa Düsum Khyenpa (1110-1193) Rinpoche taught from the two remaining volumes of teachings by Düsum Khyenpa. Among those is a collection of dohas. Doha is a song of realization, a poem of experience of the ultimate: the Mahamudra, the Dzogchen; the emptiness.
In the Bodhicharya Online Shedra we can watch or listen to Rinpoche’s teachings on some of these dohas by the First Karmapa.
The first of these teachings to be shared with the Online Shedra was originally given by Rinpoche at Kagyu Samye Dzong Edinburgh in April, 2011.
The teaching from Edinburgh will be posted as three videos. First, there is a lifestory of Düsum Khyenpa. The next two will be the explanation of the doha.
More of Düsum Khyenpa teachings from Rinpoche’s spring tour 2011 will also follow during December.
We hope you will find these wonderful teachings full of joy and blessing.
With video BA4_21-27 Rinpoche gives a commentary on stanzas 21-27 of the fourth chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara. Here we are reflecting on the necessity of carefulness from the point of view of how difficult it is to free ourselves from the lower realms and how we should not waste this great opportunity we now have.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 4 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 4 page.
We are also studying the commentary transcript on Chapter 4, which you can download here and in the Library section. Further recommended reading: the commentary book by Kunzang Pelden (Khenpo Kunpal), The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech, p. 151-155.
You’re questions are most welcome. Please log in and leave your questions for Rinpoche as a comment below, or send them via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org. It is helpful if you can use one short paragraph and, if possible, less than 80 words. Any questions longer than that may have to be edited so please be concise. Questions will be collected from here on December 11, 2011, and included in Rinpoche’s answers video. After that date please send any questions relating to this video teaching via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.
With video BA4Q2 Rinpoche answers the questions submitted by Online Shedra students concerning some of the recent teachings on the Bodhicharyavatara.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 4 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 4 page.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.
If you would like to volunteer in making audio translations to other languages, please email us at shedra@bodhicharya.org.
With this video BA4_12-20 Rinpoche first explains stanzas 12 (second half) to 14. These stanzas continue on the consideration of carefulness from point of view of our training, and, in particular, of protecting the bodhichitta by reminding ourselves of not letting our diligence in working on it degenerate. Then Rinpoche explains stanzas 15-20, where carefulness is considered from point of view of the precious human life and how rare it is to get.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 4 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 4 page.
We are also studying the commentary transcript on Chapter 4, which you can download here and in the Library section. Further recommended reading: the commentary book by Kunzang Pelden (Khenpo Kunpal), The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech, p. 148-151.
You’re questions are most welcome. Please log in and leave your questions for Rinpoche as a comment below, or send them via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org. It is helpful if you can use one short paragraph and, if possible, less than 80 words. Any questions longer than that may have to be edited so please be concise. Questions will be collected from here on November 26, 2011, and included in Rinpoche’s answers video. After that date please send any questions relating to this video teaching via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.
With video BA4Q1 Rinpoche answers the questions submitted by Online Shedra students concerning the first stanza of the fourth chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara and some other topics.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 4 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 4 page.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.
For those of you following Rinpoche’s commentary on the Bodhicharyavatara, we have now made these teachings available as a podcast. This means that you will be able to download all the past audio files and also keep up to date with new ones.
Click HERE to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.
Users of other tools can connect via the RSS feed: https://bodhicharya.org/blog/category/study/study-teachings/feed/
With video BA4_2-12 we come to the detailed description of carefulness, with three main points to take into consideration: our training; the preciousness of human life; and the mind poisons to be transformed. Here Rinpoche explains stanzas 2 to 12 – actually the first half of stanza 12 – of the fourth chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara. These stanzas are about the training and especially about preventing our bodhichitta aspiration from degenerating after having taken the vows.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 4 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 4 page.
We are also studying the commentary transcript on Chapter 4, which you can download here and in the Library section. Further recommended reading: the commentary book by Kunzang Pelden (Khenpo Kunpal), The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech, p. 1144-148.
You’re questions are most welcome. Please log in and leave your questions for Rinpoche as a comment below, or send them via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org. It is helpful if you can use one short paragraph and, if possible, less than 80 words. Any questions longer than that may have to be edited so please be concise. Questions will be collected from here on November 16, 2011, and included in Rinpoche’s answers video. After that date please send any questions relating to this video teaching via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.
This is a set of questions you can use to self assess your knowledge and understanding of the teachings and reference material relating to the third chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara, Taking Hold of Bodhichitta. You can use these questions if you find it helpful, but it is not compulsory.
With this video BA4_1, we are starting the fourth chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara, Carefulness, in Tibetan pag yü. Here Rinpoche gives an overview of this chapter which begins the section on discipline, or how to prevent bodhichitta from decreasing, and then explains the first stanza which is a statement of this discipline.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 4 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 4 page.
We are also studying the commentary transcript on Chapter 4, which you can download here and in the Library section. Further recommended reading: the commentary book by Kunzang Pelden (Khenpo Kunpal), The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech, p. 139-144.
You’re questions are most welcome. Please log in and leave your questions for Rinpoche as a comment below, or send them via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org. It is helpful if you can use one short paragraph and, if possible, less than 80 words. Any questions longer than that may have to be edited so please be concise. Questions will be collected from here on November 8, 2011, and included in Rinpoche’s answers video. After that date please send any questions relating to this video teaching via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.
With video BA3Q8, Rinpoche answers some of the questions submitted by Online Shedra students after video teaching BA3_25-28.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 3 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 3 page.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.
With this video BA3_29-34, Rinpoche explains the six concluding stanzas of the third chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara. With stanzas 29-33 we continue on rejoicing for ourselves after having taken the Bodhisattva’s vows. Finally, stanza 34 is about causing others to rejoice.
To view the video, simply click on the image to view all the Chapter 3 videos.
If you prefer listening to the teaching in audio, use the audio player below.
The audio as well as the audio translations in different languages and the transcript of this teaching are all available on Chapter 3 page.
We are also studying the commentary transcript on Chapter 3, which you can download here and in the Library section. Further recommended reading: the commentary book by Kunzang Pelden (Khenpo Kunpal), The Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech, p. 134-136.
You’re questions are most welcome. Please log in and leave your questions for Rinpoche as a comment below, or send them via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org. It is helpful if you can use one short paragraph and, if possible, less than 80 words. Any questions longer than that may have to be edited so please be concise. Questions will be collected from here on October 28, 2011, and included in Rinpoche’s answers video. After that date please send any questions relating to this video teaching via email to studyquestions[at]bodhicharya.org.
If you would like to volunteer in making transcripts of Rinpoche’s online teachings, or in making audio translations to your own language, please email us at shedra[at]bodhicharya.org.