Dear friends of Bodhicharya,
In 2021 Bodhicharya UK was founded and registered with the UK Charity Commission [number 1190768]. Bodhicharya UK is a Buddhist charity inspired by the Buddhist teachings and guided by the charity’s Patron, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, an eminent Buddhist Master. The objectives of Bodhicharya UK are informed by Bodhicharya’s principles of Healing, Helping and Harmony. The charity’s objectives aim to advance the understanding and practice of the Buddhist faith and philosophy by, providing meetings, teachings, courses and retreats (healing), encouraging and participating in intercultural, inter-faith and interdisciplinary dialogues (harmony), promoting and supporting well-being in body, mind and spirit (healing) and supporting the relief of those in need (helping).
In May 2024, during Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s visit to Bodhicharya Kent in Rochester, it was announced that the charity had been working with Medway Council to open a Bodhicharya UK Buddhist Community Center there, to help further the charity’s objectives and provide a home for Buddhists within the multi-faith Medway towns. We are happy to announce that process is now complete as the lease agreement with Medway Council was signed on 13th January 2025 and so Bodhicharya UK’s first Dharma Centre is now a reality!

(Left: Cesare Saguato – BCUK Chair, Right: Stuart McLeod – BCUK Trustee)
Here is a recent message from our Chair:
“I want to extend my gratitude and thanks to all Bodhicharya UK Team members, old and new, for your service to Bodhicharya UK and the Buddha Dharma this year. Through the guidance and inspiration of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the Lineage Masters, our teachers, especially Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, and our own practice and skilful actions, we have cultivated the ground to such a point that we have now planted the seed for the very first Bodhicharya UK Dharma Centre to grow. Such a thing, like everything, does not just pop up randomly, but is the result of innumerable causes and conditions – the karma of beings, and in this case very positive ones! This endeavour in and of itself IS DHARMA PRACTICE, and provides us all with the opportunity to practice the Six Paramitas of generosity, ethical conduct, patience, joyful diligence, meditative concentration and wisdom, so it is good for us and is good for others. I very much look forward to watering this seed together with you all, watching it grow organically and to see the fruits it bears, filled with the sweet juice of Bodhichitta, the union of Compassion and Wisdom”
Can you help?
We are reaching out to you now to ask for support with our fixed running costs such as rent, utilities and insurance [these will be around £450 per month], to see if you are able to support this project with a monthly offering that is comfortable and affordable to you. In this way the Centre, its activities and many volunteers can be unencumbered by the day to day financial burden of running costs and instead be fully focused on delivering the charity’s objectives.
You decide what monthly contribution you would like to offer, but here are some suggested amounts:
£5.00 monthly – Supporter
£10.00 monthly – Founder
£15.00 monthly – Patron
UK Bank Transfer
If you would like to contribute in this way, then please contact your bank to set up a monthly payment schedule starting 1st February 2025, remembering every amount really does help. Thank you for your generosity.
BCUK Bank details:
Cooperative Bank plc
Name of Account: Bodhicharya UK
Account no: 67222546
Sort code: 08 92 99
Please Reference: New Centre Fund
Online Donation
Alternatively to setting up a bank transfer, you can make a regular donation via PayPal using the following link. Simply click on either ‘monthly’ or ‘yearly’ and choose your donation amount.
It would be greatly appreciated if you were able send us a confirmation of the amount of your monthly donation to
Once again thank you so much for enabling our new home to thrive and we hope to see you there soon!
UK Gift Aid Declaration (optional)
If you are a UK Taxpayer and make a donation of your own money to Bodhicharya UK and one of its Funds, with your permission we can claim tax relief and that means for every £1 you donate, the Trust receives £1.25 or for every £100 you donate, the Trust receives £125.
You only need to do this once every four years and it will apply to any donations you make in the future or you have made in the past 4 years: however it is your responsibility to inform us if your circumstances change and you are no longer eligible for Gift Aid. Please send an email to if your circumstances change.
Please note, if you pay less Income and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in the relevant tax year, it is your responsibility to pay any difference. Please enclose your UK postcode so that Gift Aid can enhance your contribution if eligible.
If you would like to Gift Aid your donations please complete the Gift Aid form at the bottom of our Donation Page here, thank you.
Natasha Corcoran
Honorary Secretary Bodhicharya UK
Bodhicharya UK
Jacksons Fields
New Road
Your personal information will be treated in accordance with the BCUK Privacy Policy .