Dear Friends,
We just wanted to make you aware that Ringu Tulku Rinpoche is now taking part in live webinars every other Sunday as part of the Bodhicharyavatara Course in the Ringu Tulku Archive. During these question and answer sessions students can ask Rinpoche questions live on Zoom.
Rinpoche has also very kindly agreed to teach on the practice of Medicine Buddha. He will teach from Karma Chagmey’s ‘Sādhana of Bhaiṣajya Guru‘ text for approximately 45 minutes each day from Monday, 11th May – Wednesday, 13th May 2020. The last session on Wednesday will also include a reading transmission of the text and an empowerment for the practice.
There are also plans to follow on from this with a teaching on Tara practice with a reading transmission of the text and empowerment.
These live teachings, like most of the teachings in the Archive, require membership to view them. Joining the Archive not only gives you access to these live teachings, but the entire Archive. Taking out a Membership is also a direct way to support the running costs of the archive and all its services.
To celebrate the start of these live teachings, we are currently offering a free 7 day membership.
You can find out much more about all these live events, membership and everything else by visiting the The Ringu Tulku Archive.
See you there!