Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s 3Disc DVD – Living and Dying in Peace and with Dignity.

Dear Friends, In ‘Living and Dying in Peace and with Dignity’, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche addresses how best we can prepare ourselves for death and how to support a person and their family through the process of dying as well as afterwards. These three discs have chapter headings. Disc 1 includes: Motivation, Meditation, Stable Mind and […]

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s 3Disc DVD – Living and Dying in Peace and with Dignity. Read More »

The Gift of Group Altruism in Action at Summer Camp

One evening at Bodhicharya summer camp, Andy Lowe so very kindly invited all of us to watch the film ‘Akong Rinpoche – A Remarkable Life‘. Akong Rinpoche has left a remarkable legacy of kindness, dedication, helped thousands and thousands of Tibetans and westerners, often under very challenging situations. A doctor, a spiritual friend, a labourer,

The Gift of Group Altruism in Action at Summer Camp Read More »

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s complete spring and summer teaching schedule 2017 is now online

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s complete teaching schedule for Spring and Summer 2017 is now available to view on his Travel Schedule page. It shows all confirmed teaching events up until October. For further information about any of the events listed, please contact the locations/organisers directly using the links supplied on the Travel Schedule page. You can

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s complete spring and summer teaching schedule 2017 is now online Read More »

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