Dear friends world wide,
A letter from Ringu Tulku Rinpoche about Rigul, his birthplace, and where he has his monastery:
“I am very pleased to report that the school, clinic and shedra are going very well in Rigul. I would like to thank you all for your very generous contributions.
To secure the well being for the people of Rigul in the longer term, a plan has been created with the help of a professionally managed investment fund. This investment fund has enabled us to better utilise the accumulated reserves whilst still maintaining our current day to day funding of Rigul. The aim of this fund is to grow it sufficiently over the next ten years so that it will provide a legacy which will support the people of Rigul into the future. We would also like to remind you that 100% of all donations received from you go towards benefiting the people of Rigul since the Trust is operated on a volunteer basis.
Our task has not yet been completed. With your help, the people of Rigul will be able to continue to have health care services and free education and food for children as well indefinitely into the future.
I send you my heart felt gratitude for all the help and support that you are giving to the people of the village of my monastery”
Ringu Tulku
Wishing you all the very best,
Margaret Richardson
Founder of Rigul Trust