Welcome to the new Bodhicharya website

I welcome you all to the new Bodhicharya website. I hope we can use this website to work together to bring benefit to ourselves and others by exchanging information, teachings, experiences, and to help each other to accomplish various projects to benefit beings.

I offer my heartfelt thanks to Paul and all those who have worked hard to create this beautiful website. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and experiences with you and learning from all of you through this website.

With loving greetings and good wishes.


11 thoughts on “Welcome to the new Bodhicharya website”

  1. Congratulations to Rinpoche, Paul and Everyone on the creation of such an elegant and user friendly site. It’s really beautiful.

    Many thanks,


  2. This website has come out really well. Thank you again. I also take this opportunity to thank Bernhard, Maria, Rager, Willy and all involved for making and running the old website for so many years. Let us now make good use of it. Love and prayers, RT

  3. Sao Fonseca (Portugal)

    Dear Rinpoche
    Dear All
    Congratulations on this lovely website. Thanks so much to Rinpoche for inspiring us and all friends that made this possible.
    I’m sure we all benefit from it.

  4. Dear Rinpoche and all who supported from near or far,
    Heartfelt congratulations for this beautiful and inspiring project which communicates freshness and enthusisam. This is always so very encouraging! Thank you…
    Hearfetlt warmest regards,

  5. Margaret Richardson

    Thank you Rinpoche-la, Paul and all those involved in creating this dynamic, interactive website. A vision of all inclusiveness.


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