Bodhicharya Online Shedra

Dear Friends,

We will soon launch a wonderful new feature on the Bodhicharya website: the Shedra. The Bodhicharya online Shedra will have two different sections, Study and Debate.

In the Study section, we will study the Bodhicharyavatara by Shantideva. Ringu Tulku Rinpoche has kindly promised to give us explanations on this great Mahayana classic regularly on the website. To begin our study, we will need a large enough number of students who would like to join in the study group and commit to study this together under Rinpoche’s guidance. If you would like to commit yourself to this study and participate in the online study group, please contact us now at and send your name and email.

In the Debate section, Rinpoche has asked Tsering Paldron from Portugal and Bernhard Kaiser from Germany to demonstrate debating on various interesting subjects. The debated subjects will fall under three categories of View, Meditation and Action. Everybody is invited to follow the debates and post comments and questions.

Stay tuned for more information – coming soon – on this website. We recommend that you subscribe to the newsfeed to receive email updates about the launching of the Shedra and other Bodhicharya news. The subscribe button is on the left column of the homepage

3 thoughts on “Bodhicharya Online Shedra”

  1. Hello. My name is Joana and I’m Portuguese.
    I was recently introduced to buddhism by the hand of an old friend from school.
    It has been so far a very good surprise and everything I learned till now makes me think that, although it’s not easy, it is possible to became a better person.
    I am in a ” pre schoolar” level of understanding and learning Buddhism, but I´m looking forward, with great joy, to have this opportunity.

  2. Hello, here is Yumma Mudra. i think I have registered but to become member I cannot manage. I always appear as “guest”. Thank you for helping me please because I am not sure to be “in” the study group as i wish to be part of.
    Thank you for the excellent new website.
    Love Yumma.

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