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News from Rigul, Tibet.

Francois has arrived safe an sound in Rigul, Tibet. Here he sends a photo of himself and some of the children taken on his safe arrival on Monday 14th October. Francois has also forwarded this message from Khenpo Senge about the Rigul children: I want to express my appreciation to all the sponsors and Rigul

News from Rigul, Tibet. Read More »

Akong Rinpoche

I am shocked and shattered to know that Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche has passed away at the hands of murderers in Chengdu on 8th of October along with his nephew and driver. I feel so helpless and lonely without his strong and courageous presence. I knew Akong Rinpoche since I was 9 years old. He

Akong Rinpoche Read More »

The ‘Viktualienmarket-Buddha’ comes from Munic to Berlin

Bodhicharya Berlin has adopted a 3.49 m high Buddha statue, the meanwhile quite famous “Viktualienmarket-Buddha”. This art installation by the Malayan artist Han Chong “Made in Dresden” is part of a series of art projects in Munic. The London based artist, himself a Buddhist, has created a Buddha statue in the lotus position, deliberately laid

The ‘Viktualienmarket-Buddha’ comes from Munic to Berlin Read More »

The Holy Isle retreat, June 2013

[wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]The Holy Isle retreat was more than a month ago and has been somewhat superseded in my memory by the more recent and equally glorious summercamp, but nevertheless it remains in my mind as a very special event. Rinpoche taught on Karma Chakme’s “Life-Blood” Teaching: A Quintessential Practice Unifying Mahamudra and Mahasandhi

The Holy Isle retreat, June 2013 Read More »

Bodhicharya’s E-Magazine ‘Many Roads’ is back!

On the site you’ll find various categories: Personal Stories, Fiction, Book and Film Reviews, Poetry, Music and Photography. Visit and have a read. All are welcome to submit articles on a variety of subjects to our on-line magazine. Please send your articles and reviews with a short up-dated bio-data (along with a photo if

Bodhicharya’s E-Magazine ‘Many Roads’ is back! Read More »

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