Rinpoche’s new book, CONFUSION ARISES AS WISDOM, is now available. It will be available through Amazon etc. in September, but can be bought directly from Shambhala.com now.
How could confusion arise as wisdom? According to the Mahamudra view, confusion arises as wisdom when we realize that everything we experience is the radiance of the mind’s own nature. And what is the nature of our mind? And how do we come to recognize that? These are the questions Gampopa answers for his students in the text commented upon here, known as the Great Community Talks. He shows them—and now us—the path of deep understanding and meditation that leads to the realization of Mahamudra, the “Great Seal” of the true nature of reality.
A discount is available, good until August 13, from Shambhala.com. For details, visit here: http://bit.ly/OGBw9z.
Congratualtions Rinpoche and Bodhicharaya with this lovely new book. I’m happily surprised by your generosity again; through browsing inside the book, we can already get a good glimse of it:) and read the forwords and more.
Here I have a question: ordering a book at Shambala (or Amazon) seems less practical because of shipping costs, or they have an agent/webadress in Europe too? If one orders from Holland for instance at least 20 euro is charged for shipping (unless one orders above 35 euro). Can anyone advice me here? Thank you veery much and I still wish you a wonderful summer. Tashi Delek, Marlou
Dear Marlou, They say the book will be available through other sellers next month, also in Europe. Until then, you only get it from Shambhala in US, and yes, the shipping is a bit expensive for one book. Maybe you can order several books together as one order and then it’s more affordable. Or just wait until September. Lots of love, Minna