Renowned German filmmaker Niko von Glasow’s newest film is now available online!
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Click on the image above to go watch the film.[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]
The film shows Ringu Tulku not only as a Buddhist master and teacher – it also offers a personal, humorous and honest insight into his family and working life. It shows Ringu Tulku preparing four students for a retreat which lasts three years, three months and three days, in Sikkim, North India. Spending time with the Lazy Lama gives the audience the opportunity to reflect on their own lives, and find ways to create more room for spirituality, meditation, empathy and the right kind of “laziness”.
See Palladio Films for more information.[/wpcol_1half_end]
It’s so great to see this wonder film about the three year retreat. Having met a few of the participants, I am so impressed by their practise and results. Most of all I am grateful for you, Ringu Tulku, and your amazing Bodhicitta.
Forever grateful!
Thanks also to the film maker who did a great job!
Love Heidi
Thank you for this beautiful and moving documentary, love Mariette
this is such an inspiring film – thank you to Rinpoche, the retreatants and the film-maker.
love, Lynda