Introduction to the Bodhicharyavatara and the Study Group

In this new video, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche introduces the forthcoming Online Study Group and the object of the study, Shantideva’s Bodhicharyavatara—a core textbook in a traditional Shedra and one of the most important texts to study on the Buddhist path. As Rinpoche says, according to the great Tibetan Master Patrul Rinpoche, “If you really understand […]

Introduction to the Bodhicharyavatara and the Study Group Read More »

Ladakh Flood Emergency

[portfolio_slideshow include=”1778,1779,1780,1781,1783,1784,” timeout=5000] A MESSAGE OF URGENCY FROM KHENPO RANGDOL Principal of Kagyu College, Dehradun, India. (Received by Margaret Richardson of Rigul Trust.) Dear Margaret, I hope you are doing well. I am not very happy to share this news there was flood disaster happened in Ladakh everywhere. I hope you are aware that hundreds

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Developments to the website

We have simplified our Members and News subscription services. Now all you need to do is register as a member (in the sidebar on the left) to receive news updates from the website. Becoming a member also allows you to leave comments on all the news that is posted. It also allows you to join

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Monks of Rigul Shedra

Francois is currently visiting Rigul and the different projects Rinpoche has there. Today he visited the brand new shedra that was built thanks to the generosity of Chinese sponsors. Khenpo Zopa from Kirti monastry in Amdo is teaching 49 monks coming from Rigul monastery but also other monasteries from the area.

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Bodhicharya Summer Camp 2010

To view more images from the Bodhicharya Summer Camp 2010, just click the image above or visit our Bodhicharya Flickr Group If you attended the Summer Camp and would like to add your images to this set, just visit and click on “Join this Group”. Then just follow the Flickr instructions and notes on

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Bodhicharya Online Shedra

Dear Friends, We will soon launch a wonderful new feature on the Bodhicharya website: the Shedra. The Bodhicharya online Shedra will have two different sections, Study and Debate. In the Study section, we will study the Bodhicharyavatara by Shantideva. Ringu Tulku Rinpoche has kindly promised to give us explanations on this great Mahayana classic regularly

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Prayers for Rinpoche as he travels

 Dear Friends, Rinpoche has now started to travel again and we would be grateful if all his students and friends could please think of him at this time.  If you wish, please include his long life prayer in your practice. The following link will take you to his long life prayer You may also wish to

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