New Year poem for 2010

Under the Bodhi tree Dawn to dusk, I prayed With monks, nuns And people around the world. The melodies of chants, The sweet calls of birds and The wise words of Karmapa Brought me peace and joy. I share this joyful tranquility To all who love me and Those who hate me too May you […]

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Kagyu Monlam Live Webcast

The entire 27th Kagyu Monlam Chenmo will be broadcast live on this site starting from 12/20/2009 to 1/1/2009. The first broadcast will be the Dharma Teaching by His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa: “A Letter to a Friend”. “A Letter to a Friend” is a text widely studied by all Buddhists, whether one is a

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Rupa has arrived in Sikkim.

Ringu Tulku has sent us a photo of the new Buddha Rupa which is now in Sikkim, at the Bodhicharya Meditation & Retreat Centre, close to Rumtek Monastery. The statue was made in Kathmandu, Nepal and Rinpoche says it has yet to be filled and blessed with relics, prayers and precious stones, before taking it’s

Rupa has arrived in Sikkim. Read More »

News from Rigul, Kham, Tibet

I received a phone call today from Khenpo Wangpel of Rigul Monastery. The Shedra of Rigul has now started. There was a big inauguration with Dulmo Choje Rinpoche as the Chief Guest. Over 800 monks and nuns attended the opening ceremony including high Rinpoches, Khenpos and Lamas. Thousands of people came for the teachings and

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First book written by His Holiness Karmapa now published.

The Future is Now: Timely advice for creating a better world. HH The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa. Translated by Ringu Tulku. One of the most important and revered figures in Tibetan Buddhism, the Karmapa shows how the wisdom of an ancient tradition resonates with our fast-paced, globally connected lives. His advice, insights and reflections on topics

First book written by His Holiness Karmapa now published. Read More »

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