Remembering Tenga Rinpoche

Lama Chenno!

Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche entered into Samadhi
We have lost another great master
Who lived amongst us and only for us.
We will always miss him,
His immeasurable kindness,
And his tireless work to help us.

At his 80th birthday he declared,
“I never had an obstacle in my life”
All were totally shocked
As he had lost one of his eyes,
One leg and some fingers,
And his other leg was about to go.

Now we do realize
That he was telling the truth.
He had overcome all the obstacles
Even his death was not a problem
It was an act to teach and inspire.
All his life was a teaching and an example.

How fortunate we were!
What a great opportunity it was
To receive his teachings and blessings.
Many people ask me,
“Did you really see an enlightened being.”
Yes, I have and we all have without any doubt.

Ringu Tulku
Gangtok 31st March 2012


Read also:
The Passing of Tenga Rinpoche – A Brief Account of the Passing of Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche on Benchen Monastery Community website.


2 thoughts on “Remembering Tenga Rinpoche”

  1. So elegantly put in verse Rinpoche letting us see how obsticals such as illness an sickness can be overcome by continually practising the teachings and insights that you Rinpoche convey to ourselves through the many aspects that you tirelessly assist us with through the teachings. The photo in its self also brings with it a sumination of overcoming obsticals, my prayers go out to Tenga Rinpoche .

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